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Post at 10-5-2010 16:23  Profile P.M. 
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HIV in China

after reading/viewing a post (link) on the chinese section came across this CNN report posted on Youtube...

i think everyone should have a look at it


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Jake   10-5-2010 16:44  Karma  +2   Good info, bro.
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Post at 10-5-2010 16:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Jakpot's post

1/200 out of the 4M sex workers, that;s a very high %.

Anyway, practice safesex...

Secondly, the gals in the BBS parlour shown in the news are no way comparable to SZ hooker alleys....

Finally, those idiots replying to that youtube are ignorant or prolly wifey of a punter who cheat on them!  

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Jake (The Snake: King of 141)
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Post at 10-5-2010 16:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Jakpot's post

Thanks for posting bro. Everyone needs a reminder every now and then. 1 in 200 to 14 in 200 WGs
with HIV is very different to some of the figures I remember being quoted on the forum in the past.

HIV is a real possibility - ALWAYS use a condom.

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Post at 10-5-2010 21:38  Profile P.M. 
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unfortunately we can't just say let the idiots (those that don't use condom) be idoits, because it increases the risks to the rest of us...........
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Post at 10-5-2010 21:41  Profile P.M. 
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Only solution...

Hear No evil... See... you know the rest...

and if that doesn't work...

but most importantly...

[ Last edited by  TonyToro at 10-5-2010 21:46 ]

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