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Post at 15-12-2009 15:05  Profile P.M. 
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What Does A Vagina Look Like?

A young man walks over to his father one day and asks if they could have a talk about sex. His father agrees and is eager to help his son with any questions he may have.

"Dad, what does a vagina look like before sex?" asked the son.

"Well son," answered the all knowing father. "A vagina is the most beautiful thing in creation."

"The soft folds of a vagina are softer even than the petals of a rose."

"The delicate scent of a vagina is finer than the finest french perfumes."

"The taste of a vagina, is sweeter than the purest nectar."

"All in all son, it`s like I said ,a vagina is the most beautiful thing in creation."

"Gee dad ,a vagina sounds just great, the way you describe it."

A few moments of silence go by, then the boy asks another question.

"Dad, What does a vagina look like after sex?"

"Well son, have you ever seen a bulldog eating custard?"

Recent Ratings
Mashi04   20-1-2010 22:09  Acceptance  +1   To the Fact, in a comical way!
DArtagnan   24-12-2009 12:27  Acceptance  +1   so true ... so true ...
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Post at 10-1-2010 22:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 johndoe83's post

more like a saint bernard after the doctor in one of the previous posts drowns the bee in the vagina.
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 20-1-2010 17:38  Profile P.M. 
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aikes. nooooooo ---- not like it because humongous soggy lips thereafter 1 period of sex

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