Subject: question
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Post at 24-4-2009 19:37  Profile P.M. 
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I am totally new on this forum, I am sure that I lost lot of things. So I have one question, I will be in HK from 26. of April. Please tell me is anybody be at Siu Man, Block B, Champagne Court??

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Post at 24-4-2009 22:54  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by 4pleasure at 24-4-2009 19:37

I am totally new on this forum, I am sure that I lost lot of things. So I have one question, I will be in HK from 26. of April. Please tell me is anybody be at Siu Man, Block B, Champagne Court?? ...

What r you talking bout dude, your question doesn't make sense!!!
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Post at 24-4-2009 23:13  Profile P.M. 
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4pleasure: if you are referring to whether the WG is available at that location then its by chance whether she's there or not.

She could be:

1. Busy with another brother
2. Its her time of the month - so days off
3. She's on vacation
4. She's not working in industry
5. She's changed location / name.

Better just to create a list of girls you wanna see in that area and if you find them not to be available then just move on.

Cheers and make sure to report :0

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