Subject: Chennai and Delhi suggestions
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Post at 5-1-2019 12:07  Profile P.M. 
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Chennai and Delhi suggestions

Hello fellow Gentleman, ... and others

Off to India for a couple of weeks.  Most of my time is in Chennai and Delhi.  Looking for any recommendations or suggestions.  

I have done the usual google searches.  Mostly seem to front as independents but are agencies.  The majority are using fake photos.  Pricing seems consistent across most of the sites, but is more expensive than I would have thought for India.

Any assistance or recommended contacts gratefully accepted.  


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jj1991123   5-1-2019 20:56  Acceptance  +2   As a guy from Chennai, I can say that its pretty much empty. No good quality, price is way too much and most likely not ...
batman108   5-1-2019 12:18  Acceptance  +2   awesome and thanks
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Post at 6-1-2019 13:50  Profile P.M. 
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To jj1991123

Thanks for the info.  Most appreciated.

Looks like a dry couple of weeks, unless I want to take a lucky dip?  But as you say, the prices are way too much.

I'll report back if I take a plunge.

Thanks again.
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Post at 6-1-2019 20:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 rick852's post

Locanto is a good resource. But you have to discern who is an agent and who does freelance. On some of my trips I did chance by some good young housewifes and college girls. The agent girls are ... you get who is available. You may strike gold but they are the professional kind. The free lancers are more into it. That has been my experience.

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killaht   3-10-2019 04:12  Acceptance  +1   Favorable
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Post at 23-5-2024 00:22  Profile P.M. 
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now the trend in chennai, is that housewives posing as working in family and stays in apartments and given services to customer through multiple agents. The quality of service is worst but more cheaper, I tried this and didnt prefer a single thing this way, 1000INR to 2500 INR for one shot almost without anything, O/5 GFE, PSE, attitude is dead fish!!!

There are some gems like college girls who can come for 2-3 days too for higher cost like 100000 INR and blows your mind away but after going through check of yours!!

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