Subject: Hong Kong Places
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Post at 27-2-2024 03:45  Profile P.M. 
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Hong Kong Places

I am new to Hong kong and will be traveling there for work. I keep reading about places like HK and JSL. Locations that seem to have floors of providers? You walk the different levels looking for something that interests you. Is that how they work, and what are they exactly? Hotels, apartments? Any information on locations would be nice too, since I have no idea what even HK or JSL means. Thanks and stay safe everyone!
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Post at 27-2-2024 06:57  Profile P.M. 
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Can't post links in ratings, so posting here - there is an entire section of the forum dedicated to this: Walk Ups

You can also search through the "Gal DB", and get a sense for who you might you find at these places. Not all girls advertise on here. So there may be more girls than show up online
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Post at 27-2-2024 07:07  Profile P.M. 
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Thank you, I know about that section. Those are reviews, I was asking what those places are and where they are located. They keep using acronyms which a newbie like me wouldn't know what that means or where it is.

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HK_Legend   27-2-2024 09:04  Acceptance  +1   Read the GUIDELINES {Newbies please read} that founding members took a lot of time to prepare for you! You will be enlig ...

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