Subject: Shower Etiquette in a Walk Up
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Post at 17-11-2023 15:29  Profile P.M. 
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Shower Etiquette in a Walk Up

So I have some dumb questions about showering in a walk up. Most of the reports gloss over the shower part, but I'm curious... Do you guys shampoo before the deed, or are you just cleaning yourself from the neck down? When a WG asks you to shower by yourself, how long are you taking? Do you shower more thoroughly afterwards? If you need to poop, do you just go there or hold it till after?

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ccyc   23-11-2023 22:23  Acceptance  +1   This was hilarious to read but tbh good questions!
Evolved   19-11-2023 02:50  Acceptance  +3   If you're alone then it's like showing before you get into a pool. Maybe spend a bit more attention in areas you expe ...
Sandwhale   18-11-2023 09:16  Acceptance  +5   How much for a blumpkin!!? We need to know xD
your_bro_123   17-11-2023 22:16  Acceptance  +1   if anyone ever did take a shit pls share your stories here XD
alphonzehk   17-11-2023 17:13  Acceptance  +4   Can confirm, have never pooped in a WG's shower :/
gg1234   17-11-2023 16:19  Acceptance  +3   Think about it from the girls perspective. What would she want to see?
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Post at 17-11-2023 18:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 jazzonmyhands's post

I think it's basic manners. Some people will see no issue shitting there but i think it's pretty rude.

Unless for some reason you want to wash your hair its generally a neck down thing.

If the girl doesn't join you in the shower I think it's lazy and request her to join me. That's where the action starts. If for some reason i shower alone I'm pretty brief unless I'm sweaty or dirty for some reason then I clean myself more.

After the deed I'm much more thorough because I've been a dirty boy and need to be scrubbed clean. In seriousness though I'm pretty sure the girls bed isn't the cleanest place and I want to clean the filth off me and smell. When I was in Bangkok I checked into a hotel and was about to go to the desk to ask for another room because the room stunk. I realised it was me from the oil massages so now I'm pretty thorough to wash cause I realised you might pick up smells and not notice.

"What would she want to see?"
Found that funny. The girl wants to see money. It's sort of an anything for money line of work so if someone flicked her an extra 100hk to shit in her toilet I think she would be happy and not the dirtiest thing to happen to her that day for sure.
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Post at 17-11-2023 23:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 booby_lover's post

Hahahhaa…..that’s something I’ve done in the past, gave a WG in KH $100 to use her toilet as I was literally dying to take a piss and with the urgency I couldn’t think of anywhere else I could relieve myself. Rapidly thought of all my options; in the alley behind KH and risk getting caught or run all the way to Langham Place (I could only cook up those 2 options), so I rang a doorbell, made sure they spoke English well enough to understand, and ran in to take a piss.

What’s even more funny was that the WG shut the door after I had entered, and of course didn’t flip the sign, so another bro rang the bell, she opened the door just as  I step out of the toilet with the most relieved look on my face.

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Hobbier   21-11-2023 21:07  Acceptance  +3   
slickric423   20-11-2023 03:25  Acceptance  +5   ive thought about doing this so many times, i didnt even think theyd allow it haha
booby_lover   18-11-2023 10:20  Acceptance  +6   Never done that lol.
LittleWing   18-11-2023 06:10  Acceptance  +3   I've not thought of peeing as an imposition, but I would do it sitting down (like the girls sometimes do when I'm in t ...
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Post at 18-11-2023 00:21  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 jazzonmyhands's post

I usually take a shower before doing the deed and pretty thorough on cleaning myself before and after. Though I haven’t had a moment where I had to ask to use the toilet to poop.
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Post at 19-11-2023 22:45  Profile P.M. 
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Jesus christ, you couldn't do that before you got there?

I've had a kgirl watch me pee before, she asked me if I wanted to and I think maybe it was a kink? I should have asked her if she wanted a golden shower but I was a little freaked by the question, TBH

Pre punt routine includes stopping at a hotel to take a shit and use some baby wipes on my ass and junk, in case the SW doesn't want to shower.

Recent Ratings
booby_lover   19-11-2023 23:22  Acceptance  +2   I don't care if the girl watches me pee. In a few minutes I'll be gaping her pussy and looking inside.

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