No, I've never raped anyone. It's just a joke.
No, I no longer carry weapons when I go out in Hong Kong. If I stay out late, I may carry a steel flashlight with me, but no weapons. Weapons are illegal in Hong Kong, unfortunately.
Funny story.... In the USA, I used to carry 2 pistols on my person everywhere I go and keep an AK47 in my car, too. Anyways, I always leave my guns in the car when I monger or go out on dates to avoid freaking out the girls. However, sometimes, an unexpected hug from a random meeting will often have the girl feeling my gun through my pants due to the proximity of the hug. They'll ask me, "What is that?!" To alleviate the alarming curiosity, I'll disarm them with a joke, "I'm just happy to see you, VERY happy (wink)." Then, they'll laugh it off and I'll change the subject....
Another close call that I've had.... I once forgot to leave my gun in the car while mongering and when I took off my pants, I kinda wrapped my coat around my waist and she looked at me worried and quizzically, "Why are you doing that?!" I told her that I was shy. I put my gun inside my coat and let the whole heap of pants, gun and coat fall on the floor together. It made a "Thunk!" sound. "What is that?!" "It's my old cell phone." I immediately pulled out some money so that her eyes would follow the money to her dresser where I left the money. Hookers' attentions can always be diverted with cash. With her attention diverted, I changed the subject by telling a joke....
Whew! What close calls, man!
Last edited by drjoker at 7-2-2009 15:25 ]