141 Buyers guide?
Seems we need a thread to archive just the reports for *VERIFIRED* or
recommended girls. A list of all girls who have a photo, and a report, with a 141 member reporting "she looks jut like her picture!!". It seems like it might be a really short list right now.
Could we do that? So any report that gives a girl a good reccomendatiom, and verfies her ad is legitimate and accurate gets copied to a second *LOCKED* thread for reading only, or even a higher access level reading? I am thinking it would be nice to have a way to sign in, click this thread, and know that any girl on the list I pick "141 brother" approved. Many of us can only try one girl a month or less, and it such a let down to see when a bro gets the photoshop trick pulled on him.
Waht do you think?