Subject: Report Methodology
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Post at 25-10-2008 22:07  Profile P.M. 
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Report Methodology

Dear all,

I am a bit annoyed, and I know I know, I am being childish about this, but I also do want my reports to be read happily...

I am unhappy to see that generally no one really seems to make any remarks on my reports...this is making me a bit sad...because it makes me think there is something 'wrong' with my reports or at least the way I am writing them??

I would love it if all you seasons forum members to please critique my reports, because I would love to earn some karma points!

Anyways not to sound like a huge ass, let me know what is wrong with my reports so I can improve them!


And I apologize if this post make me come off as an ass...because I can see how it could be seen that way...I know no one likes a complainer...=\
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Post at 25-10-2008 23:18  Profile P.M. 
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Hey Paka - I like your reports - you should not worry about it so much.  My only comment is maybe loose the "weeeeeeeeeeeeeee"   But othewise keep up the good reporting
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Post at 26-10-2008 01:09  Profile P.M. 
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Erm karma points aren't really that useful reading access is more important probably....

Anyway as said people not commenting on them don't not necessarily not read them its just that some people may not have anything interesting to add to the bottom of them and the 10th

gets a tad tedious ,and I mean anyway YOU yes YOU lurked and read 99% of OUR reports and never said anything did ya?...

gawd its depressing in the UK ,its been raining hard since I've come back sterling tanked which means WGs in HK are now 25% more expensive than this time last year and all 3 of my bikes are damaged..........

I think come monday I might be witness to a BEA/Northern Rock type bank run......which'll make the currency turn to toilet paper........ I can only hope the theories about bush ceasing to prop up USD after the November presidential election are true and USD tanks so I get 55HKD to every £1.

Heh on the flip side you could always make a she isn't as good as..... thread.....seeing that she seems to be away

[ Last edited by  Kennichi at 25-10-2008 17:10 ]

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Post at 26-10-2008 01:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 Kennichi's post

Hey how long are you in UK BRO? Nothing there as good as the girls here I think!
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Post at 26-10-2008 02:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 paka's post

Out of the 7 or 8 reports you made, the only one I can see that had no replies is the one you posted today ...
Saturday is normally a dead night on this forum so you shouldn't be bothered if there's no replies YET !

There's nothing wrong with your reports, they're good !  but you shouldn't be overly sensitive !!!

When bros gets to know you better you'll get plenty of replies and comments.
But so far your reports have been very good and I'm sure most bros here will agree with me on that !
Just keep posting here and make reports when you can !  

[ Last edited by  twiceAweek at 26-10-2008 02:42 ]
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Post at 26-10-2008 11:45  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Kennichi at 26/10/08 01:09
karma points aren't really that useful reading access is more important probably....

Er, Karma points determine your RA.

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Post at 26-10-2008 12:08  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 paka's post

OK bro, I think genius Jake can answer your question. Out of your 6 reports, 5 didn't provide any link to the girl - which
means we have no idea what she looks like. The one that did have a link was a 40+ old hag with a masked face. Now,
I don't know about other bros but I want to see the girl and I want to read reports about beautiful, sexy gals. You have
to remember that a lot of bros read reports looking for gals that they might want to visit. If there's no link, they might
just move on to the next reoprt without reading yours.

Recently I've visited a lot of gals in MK walk-ups. Unless I can find a link, I don't usually report, unless I think there
was something different or interesting about the encounter.

Nothing wrong with your reporting style bro; it's good.   But I wanna see the girl you're reporting on.

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Post at 26-10-2008 12:30  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 Jake's post

Based on observation for past few months, there is a tendency for bro to be more interested in Hotel Gal Reports. More hit rate and reply.

One of the main reason and as Jake said, bro want to read report with pic (no pixel the better) and preferably pretty juicy young gals. Hotel gals obviously fits in and l they are generally nore acceptable by bros in terms of look, age, etc.

Very bias I would say, if the report is bout a pretty gal with good write up, rating/karma points will usually be given by senior bro bcos while reading we can visualise the gal face and body, stamped the image and fanstasy in our mind.

There are many excellent reports  for walk ups / phone appoinment/ brothels encounters, but when there is  no photo or we are unble to see the face of the gal, readers tend to move on to the next report and peruse through quickly.

The world is uinfair, the pretty chick always gets priority and better attention than older and less good looking chicks.

All I can say, because we are more sensitive and attracted to "Visual" than to reading and analysing the report.  


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Post at 26-10-2008 13:39  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks guys for your advice!!! Will not worry so much about the replies...I'll just work on writing juicer reports, next time I'll be sure to take some pictures of the gals!!!

I'm sure a few of them would let me but I keep forgetting to do so!!!!
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Post at 27-10-2008 06:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 paka's post

One way of soliciting lots of kama and comments........take a pic of the WG and post it on the report!  Everyone loves a pic bro.  

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