Subject: Viagra/cialis recommendation
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Post at 3-7-2017 17:22  Profile P.M. 
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Viagra/cialis recommendation

I would like to try out those medication to have a little push up, are there any trustable pharmacy selling cialis without the doctor's certification? Could anyone give any recommendation?
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Post at 3-7-2017 22:04  Profile P.M. 
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Pretty much all of them do.. You can try Global Pharmacy or Fanda pharmacy in central.
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Post at 4-7-2017 07:39  Profile P.M. 
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+1 Fanda pharmacies

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Post at 4-7-2017 16:58  Profile P.M. 
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I got Cialis 4 pack for $440.  In Shamshuipo drugstore.  Not sure if that's the average price.  I think Viagra is more expensive, plus side effects.

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Freelancer   9-7-2017 04:48  Acceptance  +1   Location?
Mister   7-7-2017 23:58  Acceptance  +2   C was double that price just a year or two ago!
p0ison   4-7-2017 20:59  Acceptance  +2   Sounds about right
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Post at 4-7-2017 18:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 ericpapa's post

Yes, V is not recommended if you have high blood pressure.....not good having a stroke whilst on the job
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Post at 7-7-2017 09:39  Profile P.M. 
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Horny Goat Weed?

Has anyone ever heard/tried Horny Goat Weed pills? Supposed to boost energy/testosterone levels and help ED ... gredientid=699&
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Post at 8-7-2017 04:59  Profile P.M. 
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Heads up for Bros that might get C in other places.  I get my C in a pharmacy that own by my client so I know it's really a C.  Just for the fun of it I have bought C from Cuba, Florida and Mexico.  The packaging is more or less the same but very obvious the Color is different when put side by side.  Some are lighter in Color ....just not he same.  I am not saying it's not real but ....u know....just saying
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Post at 8-7-2017 06:27  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks all, bought 4 20mg for 500, I was looking for 10mg but they didn't have it. As it was the first time taking such thing, I prefer going slightly, so I used a pill cutter to split it into 10mg. I had a few side effects like sore throat and a little cramp on my foot. Anyway, it worked well in action.
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Post at 8-7-2017 16:56  Profile P.M. 
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You can try 5mg as well, its intended for daily use, but it could work if all you need is an extra edge. May have reduced side effects, plus much cheaper or per tablet basis.

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Mister   8-7-2017 21:36  Acceptance  +3   But pricier on a per gram basis? Using a pill cutter is a bother but cheaper
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Post at 9-7-2017 13:15  Profile P.M. 
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Best value

You are probably looking at around 250-300 for generic viagra, 4-500 for the real thing.

Personally, as it is essential for an old fart like me, I take a trip to Thailand every now and again when there are cheap deals from the airlines. You get a nice weekend mongering in LOS plus you can buy Thai government approved and regulated generic viagra called Sidegra for less than 50 bucks for 4x100mg, I normally buy 20 boxes which brings the price down even further.

So for 3k you can have a weekend of fun and Singha, and come home with 20 boxes of something which costs 500 a box in HK...

It's a no-brainer dude.

Edit: Don't buy on the street, it will be fake chinese knock-offs that could kill you. Try the pharmacy next to Bully's Pub near Nana Plaza on Sukumvit Soi 4, BKK, top guy there, not a rip off like most places. The government price should be no more than 300 Baht

[ Last edited by  Iamthestig at 9-7-2017 13:19 ]
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Post at 9-7-2017 13:21  Profile Blog P.M. 
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Reply #5 scufferhk's post

or try something like  to see which ones work best for you and have least side effects.  From my other punting mates around the world everyone seems to react differently to the different types but you can then decide a source locally.

I have used this site a few times and yes they are all generic and made in India, not the cheapest (unless you bulk buy and OzPills15 is a discount code for 15% off!!) and take a while to arrive but have always been proper shit.

For me the best is Levitra - feel a bit hot head after 30 mins, not the shits the next day but a bit dodgy though after a   my recovery time is literally 5 mins to full rock even when drunk, I can maintain it until any girl (civvie or WG) just wants me to stop and 1 20mg pill lasts me 48hrs which is sometimes inappropriately funny.  1 of these babies is perfect, again for me as we all react differently, for a weekend in Bangkok, Macau, FKK club etc etc

However, if I am out of supply in HK I literally go to the closest green cross pharmacy with a Cailis sign outside and pick up a box of 100mg generic Viagra (tends to be a different brand every time but photo is current lot which works fine) for HK160 - 4 pills.  Not as good as the Levrtra for me but gets me through a sober double/triple pop in an hour or a drunken night with a WG.  Wears off after about 4 hours though LB is still a little hungry the next morning with is good for a long stay Wan Chai girl

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Post at 13-7-2017 20:04  Profile P.M. 
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For something different to the usual pills we all know so well.

I've tried them all and eventually they no longer work so don't use them until you really need them.

For older guys there's only one med for a guaranteed, 2-hour rock solid erection. Trimix. You just have to be prepared to inject it into your dick. No side effects but don't overdose or you could end up with a 5-hour erection.

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