"Make it rain!" Is always one solution lol
I second jets motion:
young padawan, go out in the field and write some good reports on some Russians
This may not sound helpful, but truly, Experience is the best teacher. Everyone's Experience in this area will be slightly different depending on how you treat and interact with the wg.
I've been on a Russian kick lately (more to come shortly). Personally haven't found that to be really the case or a problem, but ymmv. I actually don't want daty or bbbj because of my own paranoia of STDs. But in some few cases where my will has been weak, I've never had a Problem. Most cases, I didn't even need to negotIate. Never found lfk to be a problem and I personally, don't do dfk unless I'm really into the girl, but it's usually on the table.
One tip is Be hygienic! I've seen some fellow punters in 141s who have been less than ... How else can I say... Not exactly presentable. Both gweilos and locals. But ymmv.
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Last edited by cheesosaurus at 23-4-2016 05:50 ]