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Post at 6-9-2015 11:01  Profile P.M. 
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Has anyone ever heard of this website or know of this guy?
he has a European English accent for sure and he's been going around lots of places like HK and DG
anyways props to him.
doghead (dog)
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Post at 7-9-2015 01:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 cactuss's post

Did you join?

I am surprised he got all those girls to bareback FS/Anal with him.
Kinky King
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Post at 29-11-2015 12:02  Profile P.M. 
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Not to bring up an old thread, but I'm very dubious on this site or any other site where they show some bro picking up some "random lady on the street." Always believe that everything is prearrange in some sort of manner. However, I saw a couple of videos, specifically one shot in HK and China, that some seems to be off the script. There is one where the guy visited a 141 and manage to record the session. Same with in China. Hitting a mini fishbowl apartment and filming the inside of the brothel. Only thing I'm curious on the site is what equipment he is using that non of the 141 WG or Mamasan notice.

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