Reply #1 aaronestavan's post
Hi bro
sorry but the short answer is absolutely not ...
Since this is a site dedicated to P4P, the Forum has an absolute and non-negotiable rule against any discussion of unpaid sex. The most important reason is to avoid the unavoidable issues of underage sex, outraged spouses out for revenge, and escalated attention by LE and media and authorities. And, OK the justification is also partly commercial for reasons that should be obvious.
If you want FBs, try ...
Craigslist (weak, but possible)
Social Media (wechat, iaround, momo, tagged, etc.)
Bars (especially on Sundays and Statutory Holidays)
Keeping your eyes open at all times and learning to flirt properly
Any and all of those will require time, skill, balls, and probably some cash.
And that's about as far as I can go without breaching the Forum rules.
Of course, if you want sex - as opposed to a FB - you're in the right place.
Nothing is faster or more convenient or more available than a walkup
No sex is cheaper than paid sex with a pro
And no site is more comprehensive or more accurate than this one (no I don't get any reward for saying that!)