Subject: Some questions about Honey Girls
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Post at 7-8-2014 22:56  Profile P.M. 
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Some questions about Honey Girls

Hi, everybody!

This month it will be my second visit to the Hong Kong. (Last time i had only walk-up experience)
This time i'm eager of some hotel girls. But i have some questions that may sound stupid i suppose (because i have never tried it) but couldn't find the answers at this forum.

I know the procedure but:

When i come to her hotel will the receptionist stop me?
When i arrange the overnight time i will arrive to her hotel too late i think - any problems with receptionist again?
Are the video clips attached to HG's profile true? I mean do they correspond with HG's true personality? Because some of these girls on the video look quite perfect, like sexy goddess

Thanks and sorry.

[ Last edited by  Namil at 7-8-2014 23:12 ]
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Post at 8-8-2014 00:50  Profile P.M. 
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1. No need to interact with the receptionist.  Obviously, they choose hotels that do not bother punters.  That would be bad business.

2.  Again, see #1

3.  They act.  It's advertizing.  Personalities are generally good, because they want your money.
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Post at 10-8-2014 20:22  Profile P.M. 
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Thank you for your info brother

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