Subject: How to refuse politely...
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Post at 27-11-2013 00:26  Profile P.M. 
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How to refuse politely...

This may be a bit of a newbie question, but I haven't came across any info in my research...

Say one is in a go-go bar in Thailand or Philippines. You bought a girl a drink, and 5 minutes later, you realized that it isn't going to work out. How do you refuse the girl and move on politely? Obviously, telling her just to bugger off is kinda rude. You can't say you are tired either as she will still see you moving onto another girl.

What do you guys usually say to move on gracefully and allow the girl to "save face" a bit?
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Post at 27-11-2013 01:20  Profile P.M. 
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If her English is up to it: "You're beautiful, but I'm looking for someone different tonight. Sorry."

If not: "Sorry baby. Not tonight."


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cass   27-11-2013 16:52  Acceptance  +3   :)
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Post at 27-11-2013 04:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 wuwni's post

It's a business, just be straight up and tell them you are still looking or that you are waiting for your antibiotics to kick in so you can feel better.

Either should work fine with all but the most desperate women.

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Post at 27-11-2013 17:24  Profile P.M. 
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At strip clubs i like to use the "Sorry I'm waiting for a friend" line and if they ask i throw some random stripper name like Dallas or something.
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Post at 27-11-2013 17:33  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 jake.houston's post

Jake if you jokingly use the antibiotic line, word will spread through the bar very quickly,
and the unclean message will ring out "unclean punter" you then become the marked man.

What date are you in HK,looking forward to your wonderful detailed reports to keep me
going till my next visit in May'14 Good punting Mate'

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Post at 28-11-2013 06:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #5 greypath's post

Actually I use the antibiotic line about my wingman normally.  He goes to get drinks and I tell the girls, "you know, he is getting around quite well with the number of medications he is on.  That nasty infection is clearing up nicely".  My wingman often wonders where his planned girl of the night has disappeared to when he returns.

I'll be in HK starting this Saturday night late.  I have a couple of pre-set dates, but I will be out and about as much as possible.  I can hear the clock ticking.

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Post at 28-11-2013 14:57  Profile P.M. 
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I find that the girl I don't want can actually be useful.  Jake is right - it's all business - so if you are buying them drinks they are making money.

If she's happy telling me about all the other girls in the bar - I'll point around "how about that one...?"  She'll a) understand that you aren't into her and b) give you the low down on the girl.  

If you want she'll even be happy to invite the girl over to your table.  For me, that's worth another drink for her, but make it clear that afterwards you want your 'privacy'.

It's a sisterhood - she'll get karma from the girl she helps out.

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DArtagnan   29-11-2013 12:51  Acceptance  +1   it's definitely a sisterhood - and you get marks for confidence

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