Subject: JW Shenzhen
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Post at 1-11-2013 16:28  Profile P.M. 
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JW Shenzhen

I am having a pre-arranged meeting with a WG at JW Marriott in Shenzhen.  Do any of the other bros know if this hotel is WG friendly?  My understanding this hotel has a large bathroom which is what I am looking for in a hotel.

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hunter   1-11-2013 16:31  Acceptance  +1   SZ hotels are WG frenly.....just escort her in and out the hotel.
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Post at 6-11-2013 13:37  Profile P.M. 
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The bathrooms are great there!  Some have a view to the outside world too if you want to put on a show!
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Post at 6-11-2013 14:20  Profile P.M. 
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LOL WG friendly!!  LOL.!!!  They have WG's sitting in the reception area next to the water feature or just outside the bar to the left of the lobby entrance.  They could care less about who you bring into that hotel, and yes the rooms are VERY nice.  Awesome soaking tub, nice shower with regular head or rainfall head and the beds are amazing.  Check out the gym if you have time, very nice.  The drape controls are electric and mounted on the wall by the beds.  The beer in the mini fridge can be replaced by a quick trip to the 7-11 close by.  If your up, the breakfast is very good there at the restaurant on the second floor.  Its freaking huge.

If she turns out good, leave us some contact info and I might give her a try.  LOL

Good luck.

Any other questions, send me a PM.

[ Last edited by  slimshanks at 6-11-2013 14:23 ]

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