Subject: Macau Multiple pops Intel
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Post at 11-10-2013 18:06  Profile P.M. 
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Macau Multiple pops Intel

A topic I think should be more discussed in this forum is the number of pops allowed in saunas and other adult entertainment venues.
Something I really like in Hou Va Electric massage is the 2 pops option for not so much more.
In Golden Sauna, most girls will be OK for a second pop.
However, in other saunas it varies a lot.
Any feedback on second pops in the different saunas?

[ Last edited by  ggherkin at 12-10-2013 20:25 ]
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Post at 11-10-2013 18:32  Profile P.M. 
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multiple pops is all up to you to be honest, seeing as the girls all have that routine to go through in a sauna ie shower/bath/catbath/fuck etc etc. Time is actually limited, so at any sauna in Macau you ideally have 2 options multiple pop, either ask for a long session 90-120min in which you will pay a inflated price because you will get more then 1 pop. OR you may be a stunning charming m'fucker and the chick digs you so much that she will let you pop again within your normal session (60min) if time allows lol

just my 2 cents

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