Subject: Hotel Walk out. Stupid question ?!
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Post at 3-10-2013 00:30  Profile P.M. 
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Hotel Walk out. Stupid question ?!

Hi everyone !

I wonder where I can find girls to join me in my hotel room ? I can find outcall massage but all of them don't offer sex service, only HJ. Any idea and advise ?!

Thanks ;)
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Post at 3-10-2013 01:46  Profile P.M. 
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You should call any HG and ask if they do the outcall. Most of them will accept you jus need to pay for the taxi fee which is about 200 HKD depending on your location. Also I think there is a minimum of 2 hours service. But this is to be confirmed by the agent. Hope this info is good enough for you. Happy punting.
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Post at 11-10-2013 11:26  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for your answer. What is HG. Hotel girl ? But can I find them ? Are they the same than Hotel walk in ?

Recent Ratings
obe   11-10-2013 19:09  Acceptance  +2   Same bro. Make sure your hotel is one which doesn't need a key card to use the lift.

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