Subject: Cialis/Viagra and antibiotics in Bangkok
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 10-10-2013 11:52  Profile P.M. 
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Cialis/Viagra and antibiotics in Bangkok

I've heard that one can buy almost anything from drugst stores in BKK. I'll be near Nana plaza.

Anyone know where to go to get
1) Cialis/Viagra (real or Genric)?
2) Z Pack and Doxycillin?

Any ideas on the the costs?
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 11-10-2013 04:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Rj1972's post

One option:
Start from Robinson Soi 19 and walk to nana.
U will pass first a pharmacy beside an electro shop.
Forget this drug shop.
Move on, then the second drugstore will come.
Big pharmacy with one step down.
They have a big double sliding glass door.
You can get everything there.

when u come out from Nana Soi 4
turn left. Pass the fuel station.
Then there are 2 pharmacys.
Not the first, the second one is good.

Cialis: Original: 1800 Baht/ 4 pills
Apcalis: 400 Baht/4 pills
Kamagra gel: 80 Baht/back, if u buy more, then more discount
maxim: 350 Baht / 4 pills
B max: 280 Baht / 4 pills
Kappra: 1100 Baht / 4 pills

Other prices i can not remember.

[ Last edited by  inbkk at 11-10-2013 04:57 ]

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Rj1972   11-10-2013 07:11  Acceptance  +4   cheers

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