Subject: Kwun Tong - Walk ups
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 20-6-2013 22:00  Profile P.M. 
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Kwun Tong - Walk ups

I went to check out Lok Cheong Building and Hong Ning Stage 2 on Monday and tonite, it was queit.
No gals in Hong Ning building, all doors closed.

In Lok Cheong, only saw 2 old hags.

Anybody know what's happening?  Papa & mama caught?
Or the local tenants evacuated them from running the business?

So those of you planning a trip over to KT, save your trip and go elsewhere, at least for another week.

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Mister   21-6-2013 03:13  Acceptance  +2   thanks for intel

Retired from pussy arena….Uncle 9

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Post at 22-6-2013 00:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 hunter's post

While on the subject of Kwun Tong, there was a bunch of cut-price HGs at $600 for a while there, but the price seems to have gone up to $700 before I had a chance to try them. Probably unrelated, but sadly Kwun Tong has now gone back to being a punting backwater, if the hot WG buildings, too, are no longer in operation.

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ramont   2-7-2013 11:55  Acceptance  +1   A few are back for $500-600
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 15-7-2013 11:00  Profile P.M. 
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Hong Ning Stage 2  - 3rd Floor is gone.
Place shut since last month.

Lok Cheong Building, cant see any young PRC now.
Agents gone?

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Post at 15-7-2013 11:09  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 hunter's post

Pity about HNS2. Sometimes there were nice bumpkins there.

Anyone tried this place on the 2nd floor? ... e-shui-lap-fong.htm

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