Subject: Unable to pop
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Post at 5-6-2013 03:52  Profile P.M. 
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Unable to pop

Today had such a hard time to pop even though was nice action for 1 and half hour with a WG it seem couldn't get myself to the climax. She was pretty and it felt good doing her and I was doing her like I will pleasure her with the right attitude. Was only able to pop by jerking myself. Whats wrong with me? I don't think there be any decease that causes this. Or should stop doing it for a while plus stop watching porn and let my body rest off without thinking about sex for a while?
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Post at 5-6-2013 06:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 lazytjai's post

hey bro I am sad to hear you cant pop but seriously its not that big of a deal.....and when I mean that I mean that the probably the main reason you can not pop is mentally.  Staying away from porn and everything can only last for so long so I would suggest that while it is healthy to not masterbate with porn too often it should still be alright.  However, if you really want to experience or to pop, I suggest stay away from porn for a week or two, then when you are punting or with gf or w/e just relax and enjoy.  Before I had trouble finishing due to the fact that I was stressed and thinking about a few other things while I was doing it.  This made it very hard for me to pop and gave my gf quite a depressed mood until I went to a doctor and she told me it was natural and that just relax and you should be able to do it.  =) Hope that answers your question

"From a bro that cares"

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b-man   5-6-2013 11:32  Acceptance  +1   
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Post at 5-6-2013 07:00  Profile P.M. 
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I agree with Oneaday.

There's a reason that experienced working girls know about all the accelerator pedals to press in order to hurry a punter on his way to orgasm, such as anal stimulation, hand (with no condom, rather than mouth or pussy with condom) stimulation, and so on. The reason is that your problem is pretty darned common. Whether the causes are physical or mental is unknowable for a while, until you see whether the symptoms persist. But if you punt long enough, it will likely happen to you.

I wouldn't worry too much, but the question is, what to do now?

I'd suggest take a rest for a couple days, get lots of sleep, don't be drunk or on medication (unless prescribed), and then jump back on the horse with one of your all time favorites, someone you're very familiar with, someone who makes you feel very relaxed. I think it would be a mistake to say "well, instead, let's try this brand new girl, who's ultra sexy with good reviews, to put little brother to the test". Trust me, you don't need that kind of pressure. Just the opposite. You need a non-pressure punt.


Recent Ratings
asianbull   6-6-2013 23:09  Acceptance  +1   
b-man   5-6-2013 11:32  Acceptance  +1   Good advice.
yazoo   5-6-2013 10:03  Acceptance  +3   Excellent advice

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