Subject: BBFS mistake... I'm soooo stupid...
Kinky King
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Post at 8-5-2012 13:34  Profile P.M. 
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BBFS mistake... I'm soooo stupid...


I'm so stupid.

Got hammered on Saturday night and wound up with an Indo girl from Neptune 2.  Went to Ming Court and had covered sex but was hammered so had a hard time keeping it up.  So, she took off the condom and I went at it with her for about 2 minutes and then came.  That was the only contact.  I barely remember it but I'm positive we did bareback, and that it was not that long.  I have no idea what her history is.

I've tried to contact her to get her tested so I can sleep at night but no go on that.  So now it looks like I have to take the traditional route.

I've read up on the website and various internet forums about the window periods for HIV and how to go about testing.  I've also seen a million statements about how nobody should state anything here because we aren't doctors.  I am not trying to tell anyone anything with this thread.  I am merely repeating what is being told to me as I go through this as a frame of reference for others who may go through this, as well as providing details of what I experience for interested parties.

So... first stop was to an STD clinic today.  I went to NeoPharm in Central.  Li Dong building, 21st floor.  The place was very clean and professional.  The doctor was fully booked but when I called they said that they could have a technician administer tests even though the doctor was not available so I went.

When I arrived, I told them my situation and that the unprotected insertive vaginal episode happened three days prior and I was freaking out about STDs.  I also told them that I had never gotten screened before.

The technician recommended a brand new HIV test called HIV PCR RNA.  Apparently it's been around but this is a new version of it.  He told me that it will detect HIV within 3-7 days of the episode, and that it is reliable.  I asked him for a statistic though and he could not quote one.  However, I asked him should I test again in one week and he said no.  Nothing I had read stated that this was even possible but it's not like this place seemed shady or anything so I just went along and believed him.  What did I have to lose.  I'm gonna obviously retest anyways if it comes out negative, but a negative result may relieve some anxiety so I figured it was worth it.  My basic research shows that tests after 4-6 weeks are pretty good, although after 12 weeks is the best.  Again, NOT giving advice here.  Just relaying what I've seen and heard.

So, I took that test, and also got a full screening for all the other STDs as I'd never gotten tested before.  They took blood twice from me and had me pee.  The whole thing took less than an hour.

For just the HIV test, it was $1100hkd.  However, since i went with the whole suite of tests, they reduced it to $700, and the whole testing package was $2400hkd total.  Turnaround is two days so I am supposed to call on Thursday for results.  I read somewhere that the free clinics have about a 10 day turnaround. It's totally worth it for me to pay $2400hkd to avoid 8 extra days of (hopefully) pointless worry and anxiety.

I tried to schedule a doctor's appointment for Thursday just so I could discuss my situation but the receptionist said it would be better to schedule it after results were in.  My current plan is to see what happens with the results and go from there.  I am 100% going to test again multiple times but will listen to the doctor's advice on how to proceed.

I scheduled an appointment with my primary care physician tomorrow to discuss my anxiety.  Even if everything comes back clean on Thursday, I doubt I'll be comfortable with the situation until after 12 weeks.  My plan is to discuss my anxiety with my doctor and see if he has any advice.  Maybe he'll give me cool meds.

Will report more on this as it happens.  The waiting is killing me.  As a I report, I'll give a number of my stress level.  It's about a 9 out of 10 right now.  Based on test results, we'll see where that number goes.

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wander   9-5-2012 12:46  Acceptance  +1   How old r you? Read any HIV lit lately? Getting HIV from a vagina is almost im ...
daik35   9-5-2012 08:37  Karma  +4   Take care hulk. Hope things turn out fine as expected.
cass   9-5-2012 06:45  Karma  +4   We all need reminding, always.
TheButler   9-5-2012 04:43  Karma  +4   Don't kill yourself with worry. What's the address of that rapid test lab for ...
ulebsari   8-5-2012 22:00  Acceptance  +1 don't want to die of heart attack careful in future.
wingman77   8-5-2012 17:42  Karma  +3   Thanks for sharing. Good luck!
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Post at 8-5-2012 13:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 hulk2211's post

My private doc says the test he gives will tell you yes or no on HIV when given 10 days after contact.  I don't know what the test is called.

On the plus side he says that he has never gotten an HIV positive back and he has been working in HK for 10+ years.

Punting while pissed and you don't even remember the session

Good luck matey.

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Post at 8-5-2012 16:13  Profile P.M. 
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The waiting for testing is a killer, I remember mine like it was yesterday. Although I never took any risk per say, no BBFS, not much BBBJ I was scared shitless. I asked for full screen test and by the time I went to get my results my BP went through the roof. The lady from the doctor's office told me you wait for the doc to give me the results....that was the end of me...I imagined AIDS, Herpes or other nasties, I was literary liquifiying myself.

Then after a few minutes she turned to me and said: "Do you really want to see the doctor or just get the results?"
I was like: "JUST GIVE ME THE RESULTS YOU BBBBBBBBBBBB.....CANT YOU SEE I'M F***NG DIYiNG HERE!!!!" but I think she more of read the sadness in my eyes and she handed me the enveloppe, I went out and opened it, all tests were negative

So I'm with you on this mate. It's all about percentage, most of STDs can be cured with medicine, as for the rest...don't think too hard, you will cross that bridge when you will come to it.STD transmission depends on so much factor, there is no way to be sure.

In any case, I think you learned your lesson.
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Post at 8-5-2012 17:17  Profile P.M. 
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Sorry to hear about it but give yourself props for facing up to it and getting yourself tested straight away.

Don't beat yourself up about it, sometimes things happen. I doubt there's a guy on this forum who hasn't done something stupid when confronted by a hot bod (if there is they deserve a medal!).

As for the tests - good luck. I hope you get some good news. Not sure if the doc has commented but maybe getting another test after 12 weeks (hundreds of threads about this) to put your mind at ease and confirm the findings.

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cass   9-5-2012 06:44  Karma  +1   
Frenchexpat (Faites chier la vache)
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Post at 8-5-2012 17:49  Profile P.M. 
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Yep thats a lot of stress. As Twice will say, no doctors here and only a doctor can giveyou a pro advice. Can share experience though. I had me and the girl tested to make sure everything was fine (cost skyrocketed but for tranquillity, I needed it) and was ok, this happened twice to me...its a nightmare but you'll get through it.

If the doc says no need to test again then no need, dont torture yourself more than needed, but only the doc can say (certainly not someone who is not a pro). You can go on medhelp for this. As mentioned above, the odds are lower than you think for HIV, herpes is way higher and takes more time (not sure 3 days is enough for testing) but then again, only a doc can say. Wait for the results (its very fast) and be careful next time, all my problems happened when I was wasted too... Dont punt and drink! ;)
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Post at 8-5-2012 17:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 hulk2211's post

Hey man it will be ok. Dont worry so much. You dont got HIV. It's going to be fine you'll see. Been there man. When everthing is all clear have a shot of tequila and party.
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 8-5-2012 18:00  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 hulk2211's post

Hey, when u return for the reports, they will schedule you to see "Dr. F " and he will go through with you with the results. You can asked whatever you want, that guy is open. I think he is also a punter like us.....

I like to hear more about that HIV test called HIV PCR RNA.
Ask the doc id this test is really accurate for < 3 mths window.

Dont drink and punt!! Punt first and then drink!!! OR drink first and sleep and punt....

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Post at 8-5-2012 18:35  Profile P.M. 
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I fucked this Thai girl from Neptunes 2 one night without a condom. She was smoking hot and I just stuck it in.  
The next day I had massive anxiety attacks and thought I was going to die.  So I called up the girl and offered her $3000HKD or so if she took one of those Watson's HIV Rapid Tests.

I met up with her the next day and she did the test.  Came back negative and I was very happy!  Then I banged her again without a condom.

After 6-7 times banging her over a 3 month period, I started worrying again that she might be fucking other guys without condoms, but she said she only fucked me.  So not really believing her I've done this Watson's HIV rapid test around 3-4 times and all came back negative.

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halfclover   15-5-2012 19:49  Karma  +1   Fucking insane bro, quit while you are ahead.
bcs74   10-5-2012 22:15  Acceptance  +4   Funny shit man, you are nuts
doghead   9-5-2012 14:10  Acceptance  +1   jeez...there other stds too..and she can blackmail u with a pregnancy too.
ulebsari   8-5-2012 22:04  Acceptance  +1   you are playing with fire virginboy...
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Post at 8-5-2012 21:29  Profile P.M. 
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You should gone and bought Doctoreyes HIV test kit at Watsons just for HKD 208.  It's include complete kit and it's the same as kit they use on HIV centers in HK.  

Don't worry mate... See this link

HIV is a anal disease... Means gay and bisexual plus needle sharers ...

They need to portray it as universal to get funding....but actually it is really a gay or anal thing...

Just watch your 2nd to 5th week from the deed.... Sereconversion Includes high fever, swollen lymph nodes, diarrhea , thrush ... But stop checking yr symptoms since anxiety could triggers these symptoms.

But I bet 99.9% you can't get HIV on that single episode since you don't know the HIV status on the girl...vaginal insertive risk is almost zero..

Stop worrying and learn to keep yr guard up!

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advancivic5050   18-5-2012 00:05  Karma  -1   
scootermonger   10-5-2012 00:44  Karma  -2   hello retard
daik35   9-5-2012 08:41  Karma  -2   Dude what kind of messed up and incorrect advice you doling out man???
Wachovia68   9-5-2012 02:28  Karma  -2   Poor poor advice
sirtiger   9-5-2012 00:07  Karma  -2   f up advice.
JckJr   8-5-2012 23:13  Karma  -10   idiot!

Why need KY if saliva is so natural and provides anti HIV coating
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Post at 8-5-2012 22:30  Profile P.M. 
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come on...stop spreading these kind of rumors, heterosexuals DO get HIV positive. Otherwise it would not be a pandemic as stated by the world health organization. Infections are mostly seen in gay men and drugs users but it's not uncommon for heterosexual as well. Not talking about the other stuff such as gonorrhea, syphilis, Herpes...
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Post at 8-5-2012 22:49  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by kantotsupa at 8-5-2012 21:29
HIV is a anal disease... Means gay and bisexual plus needle sharers ...

They need to portray it as universal to get funding....but actually it is really a gay or anal thing...

Man that's just wrong, don't be BS info like that!

While the transmission rate may be higher for those groups that engage in those acts, it is transmittable through vaginal intercourse.
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 8-5-2012 23:46  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 kantotsupa's post

To all, do not response to kantotsupa. I am not sure he knows what he is talking about at all.

He is not qualified and neither any of us (non expert in HIV or STD) to conclude what is less or more risky or any statistic.

As brought up many time, please avoid giving out advice on sexual disease if you are not a doctor or qualified practitioner.

This thread is about a bro having unprotected sex and he is sharing his process of getting tested.

We thank you all if you wish to share your experience, cause and effect, but nothing more than telling anybody what is risky and what is not.

It is up to each individual to accept the tolerable level of riskiness in his sexual activities.
Different people different metabolisme and everyone has different level of antibody and exposure to sex disease, etc.

[ Last edited by  hunter at 8-5-2012 23:50 ]

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Post at 9-5-2012 01:09  Profile P.M. 
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HIV is not just a homosexual disease (as far as medical science today considers)

That myth came from the early days when it spread throughout promiscuous gay scenes in western europe and america (I think, iirc, that one of the issues beyond basic sex was the risk of fissures and other stuff that none of us want to think of..).

Since those early days though, medical science has progressed and whilst we know that some activities may be more 'at risk' than others it is a disease that simply does not discriminate and if you put yourself at risk, you are simply at risk.

Hunter and flinger have summed up the reality on this issue.
Frenchexpat (Faites chier la vache)
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Post at 9-5-2012 01:43  Profile P.M. 
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Kanto... Really?! Are you that poorly informed? Ok heres one personnal thing: one ofmy family died of aids in the early 90s. He was not gay, nor using sirringes, but like you he was missinformed. Please, stop spreading this kind of conspiracy / missinformation BS. Its offensive (to gays) and careless. Kind of sad to still see this in 2012, wonder who will come next with comments on monkeys...

As said before, if in doubt, see a doctor. Some persons are more at risk than others , but nobody is immune.

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hunter   9-5-2012 09:51  Acceptance  +1   LOL..Kantot guy is a gay hater, I presume
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Post at 9-5-2012 03:57  Profile P.M. 
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I have been reading more and more on here where guys are getting too drunk and then punting.  Guys I switched to vodka, because I can control the buzz much better and no whiskey dick.  Also bring your Viagra as a back up.  That stuff will cure your whiskey dick no problem.  Of course it is not going to make you wear a condom.  LOL!!

I know when you throw a hottie WG, Viagra and alcohol in you are giving L.B. free reign to control every move, but it is just not worth the anxiety you are going to feel for a while.  I know I have been there when a condom I was using broke.  I could tell after about two pumps and yanked out.  Went to the bathroom, pee'ed and washed up real quick.  Don't let the anxiety control you while waiting for your results.  It will not do you any good.

Good Luck
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Post at 9-5-2012 04:42  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hunter at 8-5-2012 18:00
I like to hear more about that HIV test called HIV PCR RNA.
Ask the doc id this test is really accurate for < 3 mths window..

The 'PCR" in these tests stands for 'Polymerase Chain Reaction" and it is the cornerstone of all genetic research, basically the breakthrough that made all modern genetic sequencing possible.  It's the process of taking the tiniest genetic sample, even a single strand of DNA or RNA, and multiplying it thousands of times over.

In the old HIV tests, you had to wait at least 3 months because the lab was waiting for YOU to grow your own HIV up inside your own body to concentrations that were testable

In the new, PCR base, test they are using the PCR technology to grow the HIV genetic material.  So even if your bloodstream has a concentration too low for the traditional test to see it, thePCR will find the tiniest snippet of HIV genetic material and amplify that up to a detectable level.

The guy responsible for bringing PCR into the modern age was Kary Mullis, accomplished surfer and Nobel Prize winning PhD.

Apparently he's also an HIV/AIDS denialist?? (didn't know that before looking him up on Wikipeadia!) so I guess he and Kantosupa ought to go get a beer? Me?  I'm sticking with rubbers except for when I bareback the occasional crackwhore ladyboy in the alley behind the dumpster ('cause we all know THEY'RE safe, right? )

[ Last edited by  TheButler at 9-5-2012 06:27 ]

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wander   9-5-2012 12:54  Karma  +1   LOL! (and good info too) But mostly LOL about the crackwhores!

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 9-5-2012 07:45  Profile P.M. 
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This brings back horrible memories for me too, back about 7 years ago.

Same thing, I was fucking buzzed out but for some damn reason horny as hell and was able to get a super boner up the whole night.  So during the second round I went BB and the morning I woke up freaking out.

I guess for me, I didn't freak out long.  I figured if I had it then I had it, if not then great.  Nothing I could for that moment could change things.   I guess I did this to stop thinking about too much.

Results came back negative and I felt like a huge weight was off my shoulders.  I was so happy I went to fuck again, but told myself never again would I go BB.
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 9-5-2012 09:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 TheButler's post

Good stuff. so this PCR RNA thing is reliable.

Next time i go clinic again, I will ask about it for more info.

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TheButler   9-5-2012 11:40  Acceptance  +1   Yep, very accurate, reliable stuff.

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Post at 9-5-2012 13:19  Profile P.M. 
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Guys., relax

I will not EVER condone going bareback.  It IS stupid.  And I am stupid-example-number-1 to be sure - got the clap, cured it, but worried-to-death for weeks that I gave it to my SO!  Fuck me, that was nasty!!

But:  read the fucking literature!  New science says getting HIV from a vagina is fucking exceedingly difficult!  The whole organ is built not to bleed (and there MUST be blood to blood interaction for an HIV transmission). Everything about the vagina is designed to allow it to take punishment (from fucking, from childbirth) without being harmed.  Layers upon layers of defenses.  

So......, relax.  You got tested.  Good.

Again, read the fucking recent science on this instead of what you heard in high-school!!!!  A women transfmitting HIV via Vaginal intercourse is almost unheard of.  Extremely rare.  Anal intercourse (female or male), on the other hand, provides huge opportunities as neither the anus nor the penis has the protective fluids or skin layers to stop blood-to-blood transfers during rough sex (anal sex is defined as rough sex because there are no natural fluids to greese the way).  Indeed, recent research believes that many of the HIV-positive men lied when they said they never had anal sex with another man. (the stigma!!!) Only years later have more come out and said yes,.. they did.  Male-to-female transfer via vaginal sex is higher, mind you, and this is true of almost all STDs and STIs ---  much easier for a male to transfer to a female than the other way around.  But it is still remarkably low with HIV.

So, let's be smart and cautious here..., but also accurate.  The HIV "pandemic" NEVER happened for a reason --- it is not that easy a virus to spread.  Normal penis-vaginal sex, where open blood vessels are almost never caused, almost never, ever, ever, casues HIV to transfer.

You are better off worrying about herpes, syphilis (a nasty one, if untreated) gonnorhea, etc.  These are common and easily transmitted.  Some with serious consequences if untreated.
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Post at 9-5-2012 14:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #19 wander's post

I have read an article before that said many of the so called transmissions from a man to a woman were because their husband was having sex with another man on the side and not telling his wife.  He got HIV because of the bi-sexual contact and not because his wife gave it to him.

A one off encounter giving you HIV,  you might as well stand in Florida with a golf club in your hand during a level five thunderstorm.  You have a better chance getting struck by lightning than getting HIV.

Having said that, I don't do BB for other reasons which include the nastys that Wander listed.  I am more concerned with Herpes (dont have), Syphillis, and Gono than I am with HIV.  I still don't know why we have STI's in this world.  Damn I hate condoms!!!

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