Subject: Kennedy Town
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Post at 3-12-2011 21:57  Profile P.M. 
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Kennedy Town

Someone was asking recently about massage in Kennedy Town.  Although I haven't tried them out, there are at least three foot massage places within walking distance of Belcher and Davis.  As well, there's a legit looking place called Thai Relax at 62 Catchick St.  If I find time to try any of them out, I'll post.  Off to Macau for the day tomorrow and plan to check out Sanado Sauna.

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Post at 5-12-2011 11:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Macau987's post

Hi Macau987,
Do report back if you can get any "extras" at any of the places you mentioned, I would be interested to know the pricing structure. I live very near there and see lot's of footies popping up left right and center. Thanks in advance.
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Post at 13-4-2013 20:19 
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Any updates on that ?,


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