Subject: Chinese literate bros, a little help please
jetsetting2much (Tally-ho!)
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Post at 8-4-2013 07:56  Profile P.M. 
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Chinese literate bros, a little help please

I saw this from one of my HK sweeties.  Seems she is quoting some sage woman's philosophy.  She posted it on her blog, and I have reason to believe it was directed at me:

第一夫人成功秘笈:彭丽媛当年的一段话,大智慧!女人只要管好自己已经很了不起,干嘛要去管男人呢? 听话的男人不用管,不听话的男人,要管也管不到;对你好的男人不用管,对你不好的男人,不会让你管;爱你的男人不用管,不爱你的,轮不到你管!!說的對極啦![调皮][调皮]

Google Translate (Google Obfuscate is more like it) isnt helping me.

Can any Chinese literate bros help me out?  What us she implying?  Thanks!

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Post at 9-4-2013 17:36  Profile P.M. 
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Following is a translation of what stated in your post:-

The secret of success of the Chinese first woman:  What Peng Liyuan had said years ago, a great wisdom!  A woman who is able to manage/control her own self is already extraordinary. Why does she bother to manage/control a man?

You don’t need to manage/control a man who listens to you. You are unable to control a man who doesn’t listen to you even you wish to

You don’t need to manage/control a man who treats you well. A man who doesn’t treat you well won’t let you manage/control him

You don’t need to manage/control a man who loves you. You wouldn’t be the one to manage/control a man who doesn’t love you.

What she said is absolutely correct. (playful) (playful)

Note:  Peng Liyuan is the wife of Xi Jinping, the Chinese President for the time being

Hope it helps

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looking4cfc   12-4-2013 02:15  Acceptance  +1   hahaa, good work.
jetsetting2much   9-4-2013 23:20  Acceptance  +2   thank you, thank you!
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Post at 10-4-2013 04:48  Profile P.M. 
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sounds like typical China girl drama.....time to pull the chord!
jetsetting2much (Tally-ho!)
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Post at 10-4-2013 05:46  Profile P.M. 
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Actually, after reading it over a few times, it seems almost positive to the sense that she's professing her--for the lack of a better term--non-clinginess and non-demandingness.

All the same, I will keep a close eye on this one and I have my handle on (picture below) just in case:

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