Subject: Working as a male escort
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Post at 11-1-2012 07:34  Profile P.M. 
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Working as a male escort

Hi Bros

I was wondering if there are any places that married women go to find discreet men for companionship and sex?  Cash is low and looking to pick up some $$$. I'm no gigolo but I'm a good conversationalist

Many thanks bros

Happy New Year

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waldo   11-1-2012 07:45  Acceptance  +2   :) ... Dream On!!
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Post at 11-1-2012 08:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 buntut's post

take out an ad in 141 maybe?

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TonyToro   11-1-2012 20:11  Acceptance  +1   LOL, excellent!!!
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Post at 11-1-2012 09:30  Profile P.M. 
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Maybe you can post your services at Craigslist and observe how many emails or calls you may get in a week.

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Frenchexpat   11-1-2012 10:04  Acceptance  +1   Or ask a MMS in lockhart for a tryout?
wander   11-1-2012 09:56  Acceptance  +1   Or walk around with a tent-sign. Lol
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Post at 11-1-2012 11:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 buntut's post

A lot of jokes about this hey bro's...

Two of my friends actually did this whilst at University and earned pretty decent money out of it. I would say your best bet is searching the internet for info...

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Post at 11-1-2012 11:54  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by buntut at 11-1-2012 07:34
Hi Bros

I was wondering if there are any places that married women go to find discreet men for companionship and sex?  Cash is low and looking to pick up some $$$. I'm no gigolo but I'm a good conver ...

Have u seen "American Gigolo" with Richard Gere ?

If you are bi, there is huge demand by male clients.  there is a BIG demand in cities like LA, New York, San Francisco and I think Sindney.

Search the internet like craigslist or for what you are looking for.
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Post at 11-1-2012 12:36  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Weelock at 11-1-2012 11:54

Have u seen "American Gigolo" with Richard Gere ?

If you are bi, there is huge demand by male clients.  there is a BIG demand in cities like LA, New York, San Francisco and I think Sindn ...

Or that amazing documentary "The Great Happiness" about japanese male escorts.

The beauty of it was their clientele were mostly japanese sauna girls!  Here we are thinking we
are the lucky ones to be screwing these girls when some other dudes are doing the same and

But any of these "host boys" will tell you it's a terrible life.  In no other context has the phrase
"you pay for them to leave" been more true.
SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 11-1-2012 13:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 buntut's post

Just a word of caution if you don't mind.

Bros here have discussed ad-finitum how they pity the lives of a WG - essentially since they have not much other choice.

I'd suggest you really think about this before you actually do so - especially since you seem to have other choices in life. Once you've embarked on this road, your psyche will most likely take a radical turn and you'll have to live with it for the rest of your life.

Just a li'l heads up.....and NO, I've never embarked on this journey myself ....before you guys start speculatin'! LOL!



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Post at 11-1-2012 13:12  Profile P.M. 
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About 10 years ago I dated a certain HK girl a few times. She used to go to a bar in Causeway Bay with some of her friends sometimes to pick up 'ducks' (as apposed to chickens in Cantonese) I can't remember the name of the bar and I don't know if it is still there, it was stocked with men from Thailand. About 75% of the customers for the ducks were men and 25% of the customers were women and they were expected to go with either men or women, whoever wanted to take them. This girl ended up being the patron of one of the Thai ducks for several months until they had some argument and the duck returned to Thailand.
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Post at 11-1-2012 14:05  Profile P.M. 
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Hmmmm, from everything I've read or heard the only ones who make decent money are those willing to bang a guy.  Yeah, we've all heard of "ducks" and yeah we've heard of the WG's in thailand or Japan who pay to fuck some male WGuy.  But methinks that the other 95% of the time they are getting nailed by some other guy.  

Hmmm, not so cool anymore, right?  

Bro Petay, I don't doubt your mate told you that - but I wonder how forthcoming he was about all his clientele.  The guy would like keep that to himself, yes?

[ Last edited by  wander at 11-1-2012 14:55 ]
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Post at 11-1-2012 14:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 priapus's post

It's the same deal with the K-gals in the US...lots of host bars that cater almost exclusively to a professional girl clientele, specifically in LA,, NYC and SF.  Of course, the smarter ones line up a sugar daddy or two instead.

I knew one girl..knocked down 5-7K/week, guess where she burned most of it?

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bmberman   26-1-2012 19:18  Acceptance  +1   shopping. handbags/shoes/etc.
DaBestHK   11-1-2012 15:16  Acceptance  +1   i'd say coke
SEAJ   11-1-2012 14:16  Acceptance  +1   Again generalities! Y not give specifics for OP to use i/o ur usual BS again! LM ...
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Post at 11-1-2012 19:25  Profile P.M. 
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When I was 20 years old that was my fantasy job, at least with girls not guys. Economic reality, the only way to make a living with this would be to have to take the occasional bone into the back door. Not the life for me.

Keep on mongering
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Post at 11-1-2012 19:25  Profile P.M. 
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Not sure it's a route I could consider taking.

At least with a girl, if she doesn't fancy you she can lube up. Not ideal, but gets the jobs done.

I'm not sure caking KY all over my LB is gonna give me wood if the lady is, shall we say not to my liking.
If it's a dude, and I wouldn't even want to go there! The problems are greater, and I would think some kind of support by way of a couple of sticks and elastic bands would be required for my LB to stay upright.

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Post at 11-1-2012 21:45  Profile P.M. 
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Interestingly the UK graduate job market is so incredibly shit I know two (white) guys who went out to teach ESL in Thailand. They didn't make as much as promised certainly not enough to even make a dent into their student loans.

So they quit, and became bar guys instead. They make $25 a time, the last time I spoke to them they thought it was fun. Then it wore off as they had to eat carpet for a very long time and that $25 had to buy V so they could get it up for exceptionally ugly women in Thailand (they exist).

One of them Ricky is thinking of coming back home after three months of this and braving the horrors of the UK job market. The other one is a play thing of a wealthy woman..... she shags HIM with a strap on.

Life is short very...
sirtiger (the banana)
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Post at 11-1-2012 21:56  Profile P.M. 
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def no easy way bro.  Your best bet is to work in a gay bar. unless you want to service men which I understand is very demanding to say the least
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Post at 12-1-2012 03:34  Profile P.M. 
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If you throw up an add and join the ranks of 141, just remember one, very important thing:  GET YOUR PICS PHOTOSHOPPED!    No self-respecting hooker/gigolo would ever been seen on the net au naturel.

You'll need to have the PS artist plump up your ass, stretch out your weiner (and fatten LB up) and airbrush on some hair over your bald spot.  Don't forget to have them run the "six-pack-app" over your abs and you'll be all set!

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
The Butler
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Post at 12-1-2012 05:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 buntut's post

Haha. I always tell myself if I was a girl I would be a hooker only for girls and a full on lesbian. I would be the biggest slut in the world and if I can get paid for it would be even better. I wouldn't even charge much to the hot girls and overcharge the not so hot ones!
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Post at 12-1-2012 06:09  Profile P.M. 
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If it takes off, and you find a stream of really hot looking chicks, give me a call. Happy to be your B & S buddy.

But if you find all you're getting are mingers and dudes! Do the honourable thing and don't call me B & S is not cool dude.

Except in the case of the first sentence

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TheButler   12-1-2012 08:32  Karma  +1   Weight Gain 4000!

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Post at 12-1-2012 11:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 wander's post

I guess that could be true, but I doubt it.

He was not old when he was doing this and he showed me the site/company he worked for and it stated he did not offer that 'service' - it was purely for women.

He even offered me a job but I am man enough to admit that I am no were near attractive enough, unless I met a woman with a fat fetish lol

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TheButler   12-1-2012 11:49  Karma  +1   He offered you a . . . a . . . a "job?" Sounds gay to me! lol ;-)

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Post at 12-1-2012 13:27  Profile P.M. 
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To all the guys above saying you'd have to take it in the ass - its your business and your body.. you dont have to fuck anyone..... if you find the right customer then you could make some money.

I've heard stories of lonely businessman wives who hang out in Soho and what not looking for young guys to "make them happy"..

Criagslist is a good start.. maybe you can post on other personals site... if you had free time go sit in bars in WC and look for the the "type" of girl you think would want your service and have a chat with them.

I don't think off the start you'd make as much as a wan chai WG, but like running a business if you did the right networking and "cold calling" you might get your first sale or two.

SEAJ (***Call me Sean Sweet Swede***)

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Post at 12-1-2012 14:00  Profile P.M. 
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Think about how WG's "progresses"

Since I think most of us are more familiar with Chickens I/O Ducks - think about how chickens "progress" in their profession.

First when all fresh and new, she could even be a dead fish if she had "the goods." But how about those that are not attractive and those who when even still "fresh" cannot get enough business?

More and More "services" on offer whilst getting all the more numb at the kind of degradation they put themselves through....all for the love of Mammon!

So what's gonna be different for a duck? Yeah, he may start off with just having to service WG's off on a night on the town on their own - that IS the ultimate fantasy for a duck ain't it?  But the reality??  Have you guys actually seen how very unattractive some C Lies are? And the guy who's taking it up the ass from his gal with the strap-ons - how long do you think it will take for him to figure - heck, I'm taking up there why shouldn't I go and market myself to some nice guys..........!

Likie I said and IMHO, the "working life" - whether for a gal or for a guy is usually just a one way nothing.


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doghead   12-1-2012 23:41  Acceptance  +1   He guesses the real thing is softer and feels better than a dildo?



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