Subject: would you go again?
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Post at 1-3-2013 15:24  Profile P.M. 
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would you go again?

Went to s massage place beautiful girl massaging me but i notice a little plaster just where people normally have a needle to give a blood sample...i was thinking the girl could on drugs cause the massage place looked like a normal houshold...would u avoid or am i justbeing chicken?
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Post at 1-3-2013 15:50  Profile P.M. 
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Two things...
Chinese get more injections/IVs when they go to clinics than in most Western countries, even for minor ailments.  Also, Chinese do donate blood.  So I would say if this is your only indicator, you are being paranoid.

And let me ask you...  If you knew she was taking some drugs, you would reject her?  What if you were in WC and a girl had done some coke in the bathroom?

On a side note, not that anyone will care, this tendancy for Chinese clinics to use very strong medicines to treat minor illnesses (cold/flu) is going to bite them in the ass as the strains get drug resistant quickly.  I had the flu last year and the clinic did not even take my tempurature before giving me strong antibiotics.
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Post at 1-3-2013 15:58  Profile P.M. 
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I would go again, based on what you've said. However, there are so many fish in the sea that if you have any doubt, you should listen to your "inner voice" and bail. But based on what you've said, sounds like she went to the doctor to give a blood sample -- typically a sign of good medical practice, not drugs.
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Post at 1-3-2013 17:38  Profile P.M. 
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First of all I agree with ggherkin,
You should just listen to your inner voice, no matter what.

As a matter of fact, consider that a needle hole takes moments to close. When you get high on drugs I bet if you rreally think about being so attentive to put a bend on your arm.

I have got a flu recently together with a colleague. I have recovered without anything, he has been to the hospital in the past 4 days every day to get 1 bottle of antibiotics. Chinese Western-medicine doctors are pharmaceutical companies PRs!
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Post at 1-3-2013 18:05  Profile P.M. 
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If there is any doubt, there is no doubt. Live by that.

You're not being paranoid, so ignore that posters comment. Trying to explain the "tracks" away as the "girl donating blood" is beyond naive....please. These are WHORES we're talking about. I actually don't know what's scarier--whores donating blood (and thus being infused with dirty whore blood at the hospital at some later date) or a whore with tracks all over her arm from obvious intravenous drug use.

The only blood a whore is donating is to the clinic for HIV/AIDS/HERPES/GODKNOWSWHATWELSE testing.... and although that's a relatively good thing (good for the whore to do so, I guess) it's a red fucking flag if I've ever saw one.

If all the whore was giving was a massage, then I'd probably not care. But if there was anything else on offer....i'd bail.
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Post at 1-3-2013 18:23  Profile P.M. 
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First off all it aint a whore just a massage girl... i wonder if anyone actually found out someone is on drugs since i dont have a radar...the massage was good...i couldnt tell she was high or not she was asleep when i called...are there really girls having this job just to get their highs?
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Post at 1-3-2013 22:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 suntory1975's post

are there really girls having this job just to get their highs?

Masseuse I don't think so, WG definitely. It can be a pretty tough job pleasing customers the whole day and night, some really need some drug to bear the workload and postpone thinking about their lives. I don't think is your case though, no need to panic.

[ Last edited by  jeio at 1-3-2013 22:20 ]
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Post at 2-3-2013 00:00  Profile P.M. 
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I think you and I live in different universes, certainly when it comes to how we evaluate the humanity of the working girls we visit.

However, we're in 100% agreement on your first statement. Doubt means leave.


Originally posted by MONGERLOID at 1-3-2013 12:05 AM
If there is any doubt, there is no doubt. Live by that.

You're not being paranoid, so ignore that posters comment. Trying to explain the "tracks" away as the "girl donating blood" ...

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Post at 2-3-2013 01:34  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by MONGERLOID at 1-3-2013 18:05
If there is any doubt, there is no doubt. Live by that.

You're not being paranoid, so ignore that posters comment. Trying to explain the "tracks" away as the "girl donating blood" ...

Where the hell did you read "tracks?"

Your writing style leaves a lot to be desired, or perhaps you have some anger issues towards WGs and low opinions of people in general.

From another of your posts:

Originally posted by MONGERLOID at 25-2-2013 20:18
I also notice the people around me look like utter dregs. Filthy scummy chain smoking dregs.

Finally, 4 out of your 8 posts deal with your paronia of catching some desease.  You haven't reported any punts yet, so I don't know if you are actually partaking, but it seems like you might be better off with a different hobby.

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ggherkin   2-3-2013 01:57  Acceptance  +2   WG's are real live people, not things to be diss'd with a foul label.
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Post at 2-3-2013 10:24  Profile P.M. 
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Track or track(s), we're discussing the same thing. A mark left by injecting a needle into the arm. And to make the statement WG's don't have drug problems is patently ridiculous on its face. To also make the statement that drug addicts don't resort to prostitution to feed their addiction is also ridiculous. That is, in fact, the textbook case for getting into prostitution. So stop trying to convince us the world is flat when in fact we all know it's round. If I said all WG's are drug addicts, then you'd have a point--but I wasn't making that case.

And yeah, I am concerned with catching a disease. So should you. Seeing as how that is a huge risk in this activity and we need to be vigilant as well as keep eachother informed. We should have a free and open discussion about it, instead of voices like yours, who attack the messenger and attempt to repress our voices by claiming no working girls are sick. Get real.

The amount of naiveté and stupidity here amazes me.

[ Last edited by  MONGERLOID at 2-3-2013 10:29 ]
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Post at 2-3-2013 10:47  Profile P.M. 
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All the OP saw was a small plaster where one would give blood. This is not indicative of a drug problem. Mongerloid, I think you have misread the situation, but I don't expect you to agree.

To the OP: I reiterate that based on what you gave us to go on, my take is that there is no cause for alarm here, and that if it were me, I would revisit. Mongerloid clearly would not, but you'll need to draw your own conclusions as to whose take on reality comes closest to yours.

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Post at 2-3-2013 10:54  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 MONGERLOID's post

Have you ever punted in HK ?
Would appreciate seeing a report just to get a better perspective of you rather then just seeing your aversion to drug related phobia
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Post at 2-3-2013 10:59  Profile P.M. 
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It is indicative of having been recently injected with a needle--the rest is pure speculation. But a certain amount of logic applies here; drug problem or not, I consider it a red flag for reasons I already made.

Also, I said if it was just a massage (legit massage only) then I wouldn't be alarmed, having seen it though I probably wouldn't be able to realax fully afterwards.

Anyway, glad we agree that if there's any doubt, there's no doubt. Instincts should trump all else in these moments.
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Post at 2-3-2013 11:13  Profile P.M. 
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Just tried PM'ing you twiceAweek, seemed to turn into vapor? Anyway, yeah I haven't reported yet on my punts though did post a reply on the Pinky review.
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Post at 2-3-2013 11:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 MONGERLOID's post

I did get your pm but instead of giving me a brief summary of the 3 girls you tried you should just make the reports in the newbies section

I am not on this forum 24/7 but i do not vaporize either

You seem to seriously have an aversion to anything that looks to be some form of disease on WGs
If you look closely enough you will find something with any WG ... Maybe punting is not for you or maybe you should look for higher class WGs and have their pimps check them out beforehand
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Post at 2-3-2013 16:43  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by MONGERLOID at 2-3-2013 10:24
Track or track(s), we're discussing the same thing. A mark left by injecting a needle into the arm. And to make the statement WG's don't have drug problems is patently ridiculous on its face. To also  ...

Please educate yourself before posting your rantings here.  A needle "track" (singular) is a line of puncture marks caused by trying to access a single vein multiple times.  Non-professional injections tend to collapse weak veins, causing the need to move "up" the vein (towards the heart), making what some call a track.  If you have ever seen a train track you will know that it is not a single point, but a line.

A single injection point is not a "track."

Furthermore, although I do not have hard data, from experience (more than yours) most working girls are not drug addicts.  Also, most drug addicts are not working girls.  So your statemts do nothing more than to show your bias and ignorance.

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ggherkin   2-3-2013 17:16  Acceptance  +2   In my experience, most working girls are as human and decent as anyone else one might meet.

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