Subject: wechat id
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Post at 16-1-2013 23:56  Profile P.M. 
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wechat id

Hi guys, long time no post/login, went to HK recently and seen Wechat take up in a big way.

Do many of the girls use WEchat?  do they often give them out?

Was wondering if there is any wechat ID sharing on this forum?
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 17-1-2013 10:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 sillyboy's post

Everybody is using WeChat/Weixin in China.
Hong Kong - almost all the people I know use it.

In china, we use it to pick up gals and find WGs.
As easy as ABC.
My uncle from came to Shenzhen recently, he knows chinese better than me.
He managed to pick up 2 WGs from Wexin in Lo wu area.
I saw the chick , not too bad. $500 to $800.
But I think they are from nearby hooker alleys.

Wechat is huge here.....

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Post at 17-1-2013 12:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 sillyboy's post

Last December I was sitting in a bar in Futian with some friends and we had a competition who could chat to the most WGs on Wechat.

Between the 3 of us we spoke to 7 different WGs and this was on a Sunday night. Most of them were working in saunas and were happy to give us the hotel names and their number.

Much easier then stuffing around on QQ ~ Having said that I have banged a few WGs on QQ!

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Post at 17-1-2013 21:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 sillyboy's post

Weixin is not just big in HK/China, its big with Chinese girls everywhere.
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Post at 20-1-2013 20:03  Profile P.M. 
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is it hard for a person who isnt native chinese to use to meet non WG, and also WGS?

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obe   20-1-2013 22:26  Acceptance  +1   Nah it is easy bro
kaleu   20-1-2013 20:20  Acceptance  +1   Nope
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Post at 24-1-2013 01:24  Profile P.M. 
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what's a good opener to ask a girl on wechat if she's a WG? i usually try "where do you work" as a greeting but i rarely get any responses back... this was in fuitan, in english. any tips obe?
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Post at 24-1-2013 08:48  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by asurada00 at 24-1-2013 01:24
what's a good opener to ask a girl on wechat if she's a WG? i usually try "where do you work" as a greeting but i rarely get any responses back... this was in fuitan, in english. any tips ob ...

just get straight to the point.
"Let's meet, ok?"

If she's a WG, usually she will say OK.

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asurada00   24-1-2013 13:52  Acceptance  +3   thanks!

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Post at 24-1-2013 12:49  Profile P.M. 
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I almost always start with 你会讲英语吗?  Do you speak English?  If yes, then continue on. If not, or a little, I start talking about how bad my Mandarin is, which leads to "Where are you from?" And then we are off to the races.

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asurada00   24-1-2013 13:52  Acceptance  +3   and thank u
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 24-1-2013 13:16  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 kaka's post

OR write pinyin "Qu Bu Qu" or  "Lai bu Lai"  and " Wo Yau" !!!!

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kaka   26-1-2013 09:25  Acceptance  +1   1) do you want to go and fuck? 2) do you want to come fuck me? 3) i want to fuck!
asurada00   24-1-2013 16:50  Acceptance  +3   1) do you want to go 2) do you want to come 3) i want!
vinny5443   24-1-2013 14:50  Acceptance  +1   What do these mean?

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Post at 28-1-2013 21:26  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks for the tips guys, its funny, because i have used it in Australia to meet WG's here.  Do you guys want me to do some reviews on these girls on Wechat?  

Sad thing is the pricing here in Australia is quite silly!  Many thanks for the acceptance points bros
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Post at 29-1-2013 14:58  Profile P.M. 
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what i usually say to get straight to the point is:

me: $$$ ???
WG: $800

simple as that!
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Post at 29-1-2013 23:51  Profile P.M. 
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Even in Toronto a few WG advertise on this. Oh yea I found alot of free meals on wechat

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sillyboy   30-1-2013 16:09  Acceptance  +1   a free meal!
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Post at 30-1-2013 16:09  Profile P.M. 
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free meals?  do u mean ... ? ;)
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Post at 27-2-2013 13:38  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 obe's post

how do you meet WGs on QQ? i have QQ international and ive looked for groups and searched profiles and have never come across anything that seems even remotely related to a WG or WG group/meetup area.
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Post at 27-2-2013 23:23  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 anon_bear's post

if you can read chinese, then you'll find every city in china has multiple websites promoting their "nightlife". Basically, its like a 141 forum again, but for locals.
Just do a chinese search like "Guangzhou sauna" or something along those lines, depending on what city you're in and sooner or later you'll hit some of those websites.
There, you will be able to find so many QQ numbers of WG.
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Post at 28-2-2013 02:04  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 bonkers89's post

So, if I was in HK, what might I search? Sorry, no Chinese/Canto. Google translate is the best I've got (unless I wanna ask my SO... lol) and it says "hong kong sauna" translates to "香港桑拿." Close at all?

Also, can others see the groups you join(I'm kinda a newb at QQ)? I don't want any of my legit. friends seeing I'm a whoremonger!

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