Subject: Sex bucket list
Frenchexpat (Faites chier la vache)
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Post at 8-2-2013 16:49  Profile P.M. 
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Sex bucket list

Was answering a post and then wondered. Many of us have made weird things or "unconventional" things sexually. There are still probably some things on your bucket list that you would like to do before you meet the maker right?
I have a few, wont give them all but here are my top 3 (its actually in between fantasm and bucket list):
- shoot a girl (camera, am an amateur photographer) and then bang the model while taking some more pics but in a real studio set (am sure this can be arranged)
- get BJ from a TS as I have always heard they were the best at this (am not gay so no touching his stuff or anything... Wonder if I'd have a hard time getting a boner though)
- have a 3some with my SO and another gal. Wont happen because I'd never agree to reciprocity (her and two guys!! Including me, wouldnt light crossing beams, it could have desastrous consequences!!).

For me the one really doable is the first one, I need to work that out....

So what are yours?

French aka the Marshmallow man!!!

[ Last edited by  Frenchexpat at 8-2-2013 16:52 ]
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Post at 8-2-2013 21:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Frenchexpat's post

it's gotta be Maria Ozawa... yes I know swalled more seaman than the Bermuda Triangle and I don't like the addition of tats but... jeez I'd love to fuck her!

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d4ve88   13-2-2013 23:31  Acceptance  +1   So true, she is one gal where price wouldn't be a question if the chance came up.
obe   9-2-2013 12:53  Acceptance  +1   Great comment Bro
Thai-delight   9-2-2013 02:52  Acceptance  +1   "Swallowed more seamen than Bermuda triangle" lol

Bar Punting in HKG?
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Post at 13-2-2013 23:30  Profile P.M. 
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What about making a HK WG bucket list? Like the must do's whilst in HK? Akin to visiting the peak.

I could begin with Sasa. She is someone every mongerer has to see at least once!

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Post at 14-2-2013 13:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #2 TonyToro's post

Hmmm, I have seen that name "Maria Ozawa" come up enough on here I finally had to google her and see some pics.

Yep.. she's hot.  Plenty fine.  But.., if I was gonna do a porn star I suppose the one I would I would have on my bucket list would be Tera Patrick.  Yeah....  she's got up there in age now, I suppose... and seen more guys than a proctologist.., but damn.... she rocks my boat!

That said...  I dont really have anything on my "sexual" bucket list anymore.  I've done everything I ever wanted to.  And I've been with enough hotties to know that sex with a "hottie" doesn't necessarily mean great sex .., and "Porn-Star-Experience" doesn't automatically mean great sex either.  (But it is still fun to try!).

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JJJ37   14-2-2013 16:28  Acceptance  +3   How about....Do it all again :D
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Post at 14-2-2013 17:23  Profile P.M. 
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The porn star thing is intersting but doesn't really jump to the top of my list.

I think the only thing outstanding now for me is a sex party type afair and spit roasting a girl with a mate.

Oh and there is a girl a work I have suspicions is a horny fucker ... So ill add here to the list.
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Post at 14-2-2013 18:46  Profile P.M. 
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OK Wander I had to check your girl out... impressive for sure.

and just for balance a pic of Maria Ozawa... looks a bit Mongolian...

Bar Punting in HKG?
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Post at 15-2-2013 08:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 TonyToro's post

Hehe.. thanks.  You should have seen her pre-boob-job!  Damn girl -- her tits were miraculous BEFORE the surgery, she should have left them alone!
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Post at 15-2-2013 09:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 wander's post

Work colleagues (female!) are near top of list and other office type girls in central. The more educated and intelligent the better. Obviously she has to be very hot.
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Post at 16-2-2013 06:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #8 vc09's post

agree. There's something about smart and hot girls that are so much better than just hot girls......
i guess its just because they're harder to come by..

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