Subject: Escort / Agency Above My Apartment! What Do I Do?!!
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Post at 3-1-2013 12:33  Profile P.M. 
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Escort / Agency Above My Apartment! What Do I Do?!!

It's been a couple of months, and now I am certain that there is either an escort, or an escort agency right above my apartment!!  First I thought it was some dude playing porn all the time... but then I started hearing heels / women's shoes walking in the apartment all night.  And then the noises.  Different types!  From different parts of the apartment.  Then the shower goes off after some time... throughout the night, and sometimes through the day (when I'm actually home to pay attention).

Now the walls are thin, and I hear different women talking so I know there's more than one.  I do hear English.  This has to be high end because this is in a very nice building and almost the top floor.  I know my rent and they must be paying more!!  

I'm just SO damn curious to see who and what is up there!  Do I just go ring the bell and see what happens?  What time? Day or night?  What if the find out I live below and are connected to people... and in the fear that I may complain to the building, they do something to me?

I sometimes think of just pretending to be drunk and trying to open their door pretending its my apartment.  Or just ringing the bell and pretending I'm at the wrong Tower, just to see who is there!  I've googled and googled and googled my address in different way trying to find out which incall / escort / agency could be there... but can't find anything.  And what if its shemales?  I'm not into that for sure!

Advice?  It drives me nuts sometimes just listening to everything upstairs and knowing its just right there.... but can't reach it.  Thoughts?
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Post at 3-1-2013 14:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 JRHR's post

Hehe.  Yeah, I could see how this might really get a Bro curious.  In this time you have not actually seen any WG-quality gals coming and going from the building?  Never in the elevator?

I cant imagine what you might say if you were to knock on the door.  It would be very awkward and they would likely deny it out of fear of who you might be (a cop, a disgruntled neighbor, etc.).   And then imagine how weird it would become???   

Keep us informed how it all works out....
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 3-1-2013 14:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 JRHR's post

Tell me where you live, gimme the address of the apartment, I go knocking on heaven;s door....

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Post at 3-1-2013 15:22  Profile P.M. 
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Does the building have a doorman?  You could always ask and grease his palm.

Here is an idea.  Order delivery from some place and meet the guy in the lobby.  Tip him to deliver it to the offending apartment, have a look around, and report back to you.  He can just say it's a mistaken address.  Then, if it sounds like something you want to follow up on, you can go up yourself and introduce yourself using the mistaken delivery as a pretense.
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Post at 3-1-2013 15:59  Profile Blog P.M. 
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How is this a predicament....Dood. Next time you're home during regular waking hours and hear any noises from upstairs....Go up there and ask to borrow some sugar. You were making coffee....No sugar and heard that someone was home from the unit.

If they're hot....strike up a conversation. And even if they're not....Now they know you can hear them.Now the most important thing to remember.....Is to report back....Especially if they give you freebies for keeping quiet.hahaha

Bon chance

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Post at 3-1-2013 22:32  Profile P.M. 
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Hahha... All interesting ideas. But I guess my fear of going up stems from the fact that I somehow suspect that the ladies up there are these two Russians (or at least one of them) that I used a few times from the outrageously priced fake escort websites (before I discovered the amazing forum) ... But was still cheaper than NYC. It'll will be kinda embarrassing that they knew I lived below all this while and listened in on my mongering... What little I get to do when free from work. And they obviously won't even open the door if they see me through the key hole.

I still feel I shouldn't live in regret and just knock on their door, hope its someone else, and then pretend I was at the wrong tower of the building but same apartment number. That should work? Simple misunderstanding. And if they are hot... They may have just got a new best customer and I wouldn't have to go farther than one floor up when need be. Win win right?
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Post at 3-1-2013 22:34  Profile P.M. 
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Oh and I did ask my property agent if he knew because I found them noisy and wanted to know if etiquette here in HK is to go straight to the neighbor that is noisy, or the doorman. He never replied. Just wished me a happy new year. Something's fishy.
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Post at 4-1-2013 08:08  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 JRHR's post

If you can't beat them then join 'em.  Best to go upstairs and ask for milk and honey and you may just get some.

I used to have a modelling agency that rented an apartment above me somewhere.  Nice eye candy in the elevator rides.

Bend Over Here It Comes Again...
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 4-1-2013 09:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 JRHR's post

MAn....just go and knock the door.
Say Hi and whatsup with the noise. Ice breaker whatever.
If you smell they are hookers or they gave you the look, just cook up some lines.
Just tell them u wanna get laid....

Worse, u get a slap and loose face. No biggie...
But you walk back to your apartment killing your curiousity.

Again, my offer still stands if you give me the address.

[ Last edited by  hunter at 4-1-2013 09:59 ]

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kaka (YaYa PaPaYa)
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Post at 4-1-2013 12:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 JRHR's post

1. wear a shirt
2. splash some liquor on your shirt. (make sure they can smell the alcohol)
3. put some money, preferably $1000 bills in your front pocket. (make sure it's visible)
4. press the doorbell
5. pretend to be drunk
6. when door opens, just keep staring at her boobs, and refuse to leave.
7a. either door slammed in your face.
7b. or she invites you in.

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kpark291188   6-1-2013 01:20  Acceptance  +1   Awesome idea
Petay_1283   6-1-2013 00:09  Acceptance  +5   Brilliant!

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Post at 4-1-2013 15:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 kaka's post

I wanna know where JRHR is liviing lucky guy, do report back if you go upstairs
hunter (Real Slim Slapper-Status: 九叔 .)
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Post at 4-1-2013 16:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 kaka's post

8. Or just do this:

Knock Knock!!
What the Fuck is going on? I hear banging and humping 24/7. Some shit is going on here!!
You Suck my Jupiter Cock now or I call the Police!!

Ok joke aside.

Come on JRHR, just knock that door and check it harm, i knock on neighbors' door all the time, no biggie.

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kaka (YaYa PaPaYa)
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Post at 4-1-2013 16:31  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by hunter at 4-1-2013 16:28
no harm, i knock on neighbors' door all the time, no biggie.

to borrow condoms?

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hunter   4-1-2013 18:15  Acceptance  +1   For many reasons

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Post at 5-1-2013 22:10  Profile P.M. 
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All the replies are giving me some courage to go back but it's been quiet for the past couple of days. This happens on and off. I'm guessing they rent out the apartment or the resident(s) travel frequently. Haha. Hoping the noise starts again tonight coz you gents have made by balls / curiosity grow. Haha

And I ain't giving my address or location to anyone. Haha... Sorry ;) well at least till I confirm what's going on ;)
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Post at 6-1-2013 00:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 JRHR's post

My ex SO's apartment had noisy people upstairs, high heels all the damned time. Used to drive me mad when I was there.

One night when I was drunk and tired i'd had enough and stormed up to have it out with them. Turned out it was flight attendants hahaha

'Yes, Madam, I am drunk, but in the morning I shall be sober and you will still be ugly.'
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Post at 6-1-2013 00:29  Profile P.M. 
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- Knock knock
- "Hi I lost my keys to my apartment downstairs..."
- "Oh I'm really sorry for the noise, I can explain. Come on in."

...I am waiting for your report
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Post at 20-1-2013 00:02  Profile P.M. 
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I must know how this story ends!!!!

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Post at 20-1-2013 00:13  Profile P.M. 
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PM hunter or me your address, we'll knock the door for you! you can trust a bro with a decent amount of karma on these boards
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Post at 20-1-2013 01:47  Profile P.M. 
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If it's Russiams, take chocolate. If Asians, take papayas.

Regardless, let them know you're pretty handy and can help them if they have any problems ith their plumbing.

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Post at 20-1-2013 23:14  Profile P.M. 
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[Maude shows the porn video starring Bunny to the Dude]
Sherry in 'Logjammin': [on video] You must be here to fix the cable.
Maude Lebowski: Lord. You can imagine where it goes from here.
The Dude: He fixes the cable?
Maude Lebowski: Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey.

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