I completely agree with you, when I think back to all those girls in college who wouldn't even spit on me if I was the last walking penis on earth
, it does make the sun shine a bit brighter
it's really part of the karma of life, that men get older they become more desirable because they are wealthy, worldly, sophisticated, and women as they get older their value falls like a bag full of hammers in a bucket of horse piss to where they have to offer these kinds of services for the cost of dinner. It's not my thing but there are lots of guys I know who would fall all over themselves to have a chance to partake.
it shows you that there is justice in the world
sorta like after high school the geeks all become IT millionaires while the jocks let low paying manual labor crap jobs, or those that go on the become professional jocks ( okay some do earn a lot of money) end up with a broken body addicted to pain killers (in grade school I had a friend whose father was 45 at the time, a big big US football star in the 60s) and in the 70s a washed up guy in chronic pain and couldn't keep a job
Keep on mongering