Subject: ACE in a day! But goodbye HK
Kinky King
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Post at 14-8-2012 21:48  Profile P.M. 
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ACE in a day! But goodbye HK

Yahoo, an ace in a day.

In case you don't understand:

Thats 5+ in ONE day, (7 great scores today ok some were multiples with one WG but still) I am exhausted and in HKG's departure lounge about to drop dead from exhaustion. I went to see a herbal doctor and he gave me something which makes V lousy, I can cut diamonds with my crotch right now! Yeah! Though the HKIA security thought I was packing s deadly weapon heh.

HK has won back the balance of a good scene, this time after a lousy start.

I shall report back when I get home in a couple of days, I have a lousy flight through the middle east with a stupidly long 2 day connection.

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throwawayay   15-8-2012 19:19  Karma  +1   Chain Machine Gun?

Life is short very...
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Post at 15-8-2012 19:20  Profile P.M. 
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I don't quite get the flying ace reference, but over 5 in one day? ... Is that even physically possible?

Must have had a whole  schedule in place just to fit so many into a single day, even if there was multiples with one WG!

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