Subject: It gets better! (not strictly related to 141)
Kinky King
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Post at 16-3-2008 20:03  Profile P.M. 
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It gets better! (not strictly related to 141)

Wow I just noticed the HK government just abolished alcohol duties , I'll sink a few pints in honour of this when I get there.

The thing is though I know of only 2 pubs in which to drink there , one being the Red Bear at Lantau's ferry port and also the Irish place somewhere near the big HK island exhibition centre.

So where is there a good place to get a guiness and also potentially do some mongering? .

I'm going to do mostly the walkup scene then Macau, and will be meeting somebody from the UK to go out boozing with too.

(I'm still struggling to come to terms with paying $300 for a beer once when I was alot younger I forget where this was though, doesn't matter too much as I'm a lightweight)

Suggestions appreciated!.

swan (big titty hg CONNOISSEUR!)
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Post at 17-3-2008 01:28  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 Kennichi's post


...the non duty on alcohol applies only on fermented products, fyi...
Kinky King
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Post at 17-3-2008 06:52  Profile P.M. 
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Hmm regarding the bad news in Yuen Long and Tai Po looks like beers will be the only vice in HK this year (not planning on visiiting HK for another 4 years).

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