Subject: HK Walk Up Police Raid!!
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Post at 17-6-2012 03:37  Profile P.M. 
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HK Walk Up Police Raid!!

Not sure if anyone is aware but I saw large groups of people in Kimberly Rd Walk up (40 people) yesterday. All wear black/dark color. Was this a police raid or robbery? Would expect a police uniform if it was a raid.

I visited the area an hour later and found the entire 3rd floor empty, and some doors were broken.

One WG on another floor said it was a police raid. Well, if so, how frequent does this happen? What happens to the guy if he was in action when the raid took place?

Any thoughts?
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Post at 17-6-2012 04:10  Profile P.M. 
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wow scary though being in the middle of action and suddenly be raided by police hope this doesn't happen to anyone
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Post at 17-6-2012 06:31  Profile P.M. 
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Those might had been uncover cops. Well would a robbery use 40 people in day light. I assume it's daylight.
Normally, raids happen when criminal activity is going on.

Would recommend going elsewhere.

You really would not know if it happens a lot, it's really 50/50 chance.

Well if the guy was in the action at the place, well you have to prove your just someone not related to them.
You have to also hope they don't try to drag you down too.
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Post at 17-6-2012 06:37  Profile P.M. 
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But as long as you are with only one girl you are not breaking the law, more likely the WG has a visa irregularity.  Not nice and could seriously damage your boner (especially if the door gets broken down!!) but not the end of the world.

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Post at 17-6-2012 07:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 genericuser's post

Procedures are listed on the sticky in this forum above the threads: HERE

Since most of you are newbies, it might be good to read through some of it.

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Post at 17-6-2012 07:16  Profile P.M. 
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It's my understanding that as long as it's one WG per room, it's legal.  As long as she is legal to work in HK for any type of job not neccessarily a prostitution license, the WG should be safe.  Come to think of it, are there actually prostitution license?  You may need a license to run a bar or sauna, but strictly walk ups should be considered private enterprises.
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Post at 18-6-2012 19:05  Profile P.M. 
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what happen if she is on a tourist visa?
and what happen if her visa has expired?

am i breaking the law?????

you can't ring the bell and ask her hk id

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