Subject: Titfuck service?
Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 5-5-2012 20:25  Profile P.M. 
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Titfuck service?

The "Best Boobs" thread (which I mostly can't see, damn it. How much karma is RA30?) got me thinking...

Back when I was studying in Beijing, I had a girl just around the corner from my school. She was a barbershop girl named Xing Xing. She was 19, from Fujian, and had an awesome set of tits. I'm a boob man. I love them and sometimes I think a good titfuck is even better than intercourse. So I got Xing Xing to give me one. And then another. And soon it was a regular thing that I'd drop in after a night of studying too hard, put down a little bit of cash and shoot a big load between some awesome Chinese tits.

In two years in Hong Kong I haven't found anything like Xing Xing. The closest have been Kitty and Winnie, who have the equipment. But they're both over 30 (I'm in my mid-20s and don't really enjoy playing with women older than me) and the price is a bit much since I'm also paying for a trained masseuse. Lots of big-titted hotel girls have a similar problem, I end up paying more than 100 USD because I'm paying for intercourse that I don't really want to have.

Any mongers have some advice? I'll even cross borders if there's a good source for some good boob action in Shenzhen or Zhuhai/Macau. It's a tough thirst to quench in this continent of super skinny, flat-chested ladies.
Lustful Lord
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Post at 5-5-2012 23:32  Profile P.M. 
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Been a couple of reports in the hotel walk up forum on a certain well endowed girl being baited and switched for yet another equally well endowed girl, you might wanna check it out. Look for Dau Fu Fei on the hotel walk up forum.

I think they fit your need.
Kinky King
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Post at 5-5-2012 23:52  Profile P.M. 
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Not sure if this helps...
As I know Dora does offer TF, however she is considered as MILF, I bet you will never complain, try her!
I will be visiting her soon...

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Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 6-5-2012 14:22  Profile P.M. 
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That sounds good, if I could pay her 200 HJ price for the service. I'm just looking to get what I want without all the bells and whistles of paying for sex with a hotel girl or massage at a walk up.

The mainland barbershop negotiation for exactly what you want suited me so well.
Kinky King
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Post at 6-5-2012 23:37  Profile P.M. 
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Carnal Conqueror
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Post at 11-5-2012 21:29  Profile P.M. 
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Yeah thanks! I'll check her out next time I'm on Hong Kong island. Just a bit older than I'm looking for is all. And still basically a massage + FS establishment.

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