Subject: Punter's phone
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Post at 21-3-2012 20:38  Profile P.M. 
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Punter's phone


Was wondering if anyone could recommend the punter's fav phone.  I'm hoping to find a inexpensive and robust phone.  Was thinking about a old Nokia 8800.  Also a recommendation for a prepaid card or a post paid card.


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devilgodspeed   21-3-2012 20:47  Acceptance  +1   a cheap Nokia 1800 will do as it also have functions of a flashlight.
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Post at 21-3-2012 20:49  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 buntut's post

Why not just go to ANY phone shop and ask?
If its just a punter's phone who really cares what it is?
Just get a cheap one and stick in just about any prepaid SIM card

And BTW - this thread belongs in the Veggie cafe.



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Post at 21-3-2012 21:21  Profile P.M. 
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Punter's phone as in just a cheap phone to call agents etc? Should consider getting one with camera function so that you can take photos of the girls too.
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Post at 21-3-2012 22:26  Profile P.M. 
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I'd recommend a basic nokia. AFAIK the very basic nokia's are still based on the same hardware (and software) as the ones from 5/6years back and they (agian, in my memory) were well built.

Sony Ericsons have excellent cameras but the build quality was suspect on many models (i'm not sure if this is still the case as I gave up on them). Another bonus of the sony is that they have a memory card that is widely compatible (memory stick iirc)

Samsung phones are so-so  and the older motorolas were excellent (avoid the fashionable slimline phones or the ones with the etched keypads) but I'm not sure you can buy them anymore.

I don't have much experience with smart phones beyond android but they also seem a bit bug-ridden to me.

to sum up, sony (for features but do some research) or Nokia (for build-quality) in my opinion.
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Post at 21-3-2012 22:38  Profile P.M. 
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punter's phone should also have gps to find the address of such residence
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Post at 22-3-2012 16:50  Profile P.M. 
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Thanks Recap

A recap of all the comments made.

1). Basic Nokia as a punter's tool (phone)

2). A phone to capture those Kodak moments.

3). A smart phone with GPS, web surfing, camera and the ability to make a phone call for booking with the Agent (for the dirty deed). Also to make a report on the fly on 141 ( while going home on the MTR)

4). A water proof phone in case of an encounter with a rare Maximus Squirtious sub species. A camera function would also come in handy to record the encounter in case of dispute or have been saddled with the burden of proof. Don't want to be called a yarn spinner. Ditto when it comes to an encounter with a rare bird, Datyious Japonica. I have heard from some old timer that it exists.............*gasp*. Methinks it was some knackered froggy call Cousteau

5). All of the above plus a variable vibration function. It is crucial to lure and tame the dreaded, Frigidus Piscius. Record the encounter on film and then post it on 141 to claim the title and the fame of "He who is always prepared"

Thanks for all your help.

[ Last edited by  buntut at 22-3-2012 17:37 ]

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Post at 22-3-2012 17:08  Profile P.M. 
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This phone is literally indestructible! It's cheap and extremely durable! Best of all, it won't get stolen by WG's or by anyone!

And it CAN be used as a dildo! or vibrator

[ Last edited by  SZ650 at 22-3-2012 17:11 ]
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Post at 22-3-2012 17:08  Profile P.M. 
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You guys didn't get the true meaning of the OP ...
A 'punter's phone' is a phone that can also be used as a dildo !

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TheButler   23-3-2012 03:24  Karma  +1   You are one nasty mofo. I'm tellin' Alexander Graham Bell on you!
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Post at 22-3-2012 17:47  Profile P.M. 
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You always get it Twice....... Dunno how you do it bro!!!

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Loveasia   23-3-2012 01:07  Acceptance  +1   lol..
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Post at 23-3-2012 00:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 SZ650's post

Haha! That's the Nokia 3310. It's like the AK-47 of mobile phones! I had one of them and lasted me 4 years. Check out this link for some funny shit...
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Post at 23-3-2012 01:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #10 Wachovia68's post

lol Yea the infamous Nokia 3310. I had one of those damn it required charging once a week. lol

i dropped it a gazillion times and it went apart but just fit it back and you will hear the familiar nokia tune. Virtually indestructable.

Finally it was stolen from me (thank god)

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JackTheBat   23-3-2012 23:16  Acceptance  +1   my experience precisely--used one from 2001-2004. indefuknstructible.
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Post at 23-3-2012 01:35  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #11 kelvesc's post

"it required charging once a week. lol"

Oh...the battery was only good for like the first 6 to 8 months. Then the memory effect kicks in and you have to charge it twice a day. In the 4 years I had that phone, I went through like 6 batteries or something.

Ah...back in the good ol days where one could go around and buy spare phone batteries etc...
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Post at 23-3-2012 02:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 SZ650's post

Damn! I still have the one I bought and used years back...and it's still functioning without any problems!

Or of the best basic, almost indestructible phone!

Can function as a dildo as well!

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Post at 23-3-2012 03:25  Profile P.M. 
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Don't go super basic.  Get the full keyboard.  Trying to type on those old, numbers only, keyboards is a pain in the ass and with the modern working girl and her agent you will be texting much more than you will be talking!

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 23-3-2012 12:27  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 TheButler's post

"Trying to type on those old, numbers only, keyboards is a pain in the ass"

Haha! I actually belong to that old school crowd that types faster on them alpha-numeric keypads. This is even though I have  been using iPhones/Blackberries for the past 2 years. The buttons are just too damn small for me on the new smartphoens.

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TheButler   24-3-2012 03:15  Karma  +1   Gawd damn! Old School Rools!
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Post at 23-3-2012 19:12  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 Wachovia68's post


With Alpha-Numeric Keypads, I can type without looking while I drive or if I'm in class. No one knows! With an iPhone, my eyes must be glued to the phone just to see if I type something right or if auto correct makes an ass out of me

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Wachovia68   23-3-2012 19:43  Karma  +1   true dat!
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Post at 23-3-2012 21:26  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by Wachovia68 at 23-3-2012 00:59
Haha! That's the Nokia 3310. It's like the AK-47 of mobile phones! I had one of them and lasted me 4 years. Check out this link for some funny shit... ...

I'll see your 3310 and raise you a 6310 (original was a 6110?).

Amazingly reliable phone from my experience. I wish nokia made a similar phone now.

Sometimes I miss the days a phone was a phone and batteries lasted forever on a single charge (then I get lost, use googlemaps and I wonder how I ever got on without smart phones!).
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Post at 24-3-2012 15:25  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by twiceAweek at 22-3-2012 17:08
You guys didn't get the true meaning of the OP ...
A 'punter's phone' is a phone that can also be used as a dildo !

i got the perfect recommendation for OP.

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doghead   25-3-2012 01:09  Karma  +1   shit, those make nice gifts for quite a few girls i know.
twiceAweek   24-3-2012 15:54  Acceptance  +3   Excellent LOL LOL

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Post at 24-3-2012 15:57  Profile P.M. 
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One can get lot of attn. with this kind of phone in the pocket. Nice ribs as well for extra pleasure.

But it gonna feel very odd holding it... yuks..

[ Last edited by  cascos at 24-3-2012 16:13 ]

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