Subject: Any happy ending massages/bbs/saunas near bao an airport shenzhen?
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 7-9-2013 01:16  Profile P.M. 
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Any happy ending massages/bbs/saunas near bao an airport shenzhen?

Hi guys,

Since I have a late flight leaving Shenzhen, I've got about 2-3 hours to kill, any advice on happy ending massages/bbs/saunas near Bao An airport or LuoHu?


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Post at 7-9-2013 02:19  Profile P.M. 
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I just did a search on Luo Hu, it seems like perthden hotel is the place to go for both massage or sauna action.  Any other recommendations?  thx
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Post at 7-9-2013 08:52  Profile P.M. 
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Perthden hotel is not really next to the airport. It is very close to the HK border. If you consider visiting it you might calculate some travel time between hotel and airport. With the MTR is takes about 75 mins with the cab probably 30-40 min depending in traffic.
Erotic Emperor
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Post at 7-9-2013 12:22  Profile P.M. 
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Since I will be in HK and have a meeting early in Shenzhen, i was thinking of hanging out around luo hu or near the airport, my flight to BJ isnt til 730pm.  11am meeting, will last 2 hours, which leaves me 5 hours before I have to be at the Bao An airport.

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