Subject: How low can you go??
DArtagnan (unofficial Mayor of the Forum)
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Post at 14-2-2012 09:14  Profile P.M. 
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How low can you go??

Folks, looks like the bar just slipped down another notch!

Fa Fa

A rising new star in the the Sham ...

Until today, for the first time in sex141 History, a $200 service was ALWAYS just HJ, no more no less.  Until today (or more precisely, last weekend!) that is.

Now for the first time, you can choose a Whole Package, for $200.  And overnight with the cutie for $800 ... overnight, for the cost of 45 minutes with a HG ... clearly an aggressive move to undercut the Thais ...

Anybody feeling brave??

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TheButler   15-2-2012 01:23  Karma  +2   Thanks for ruining my morning, buzzkill! ;-)
inbkk   14-2-2012 20:09  Karma  +2   As a gentleman, u found her first, so my place in queue is behind you :-)

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
Frenchexpat (Faites chier la vache)
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Post at 14-2-2012 09:37  Profile P.M. 
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Oh my gawd! Well, not even if she paid me, she looks really bad, am sure the face is blured not to keep her from being recognized but to try and lure punters in!

200 hkd, even at that price I  wont use my kamikaze card on this one.... Nearly beatsthe one with a dildo on a driller...
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Post at 14-2-2012 10:41  Profile P.M. 
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If I were in HK, I would go do that just for the bragging rights. Maybe not the overnighter, but definitely the $200 option. Someone there needs to man up and do the recon. Take one for the team. Tell us the dirty.
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Post at 14-2-2012 11:04  Profile P.M. 
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No way!!  There's no photoshop that can hide that beast! Haha

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Post at 14-2-2012 11:24  Profile P.M. 
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Holy shit - that is not a bargain.

The irony is she probably gives good service - but unlikely to want to find out.
Kinky King
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Post at 14-2-2012 11:52  Profile P.M. 
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It's a good deal for the overnight option if all the hotels are full and you are still looking for one. On a normal visit, there is no difference between the whole package and overnight that you won't last long there.
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Post at 14-2-2012 11:58  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 DArtagnan's post

ahhh she has finally made it to 141... for the last couple of years she was advertising on the other site and offering exactly that price...

so nothing new about her rates, its just that she never previously crossed the pond
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Post at 14-2-2012 12:16  Profile P.M. 
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So hot!

Thought I'd post her pics for all of our .... eerrrrr.... benefit!

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Bros before hos
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Post at 14-2-2012 13:39  Profile P.M. 
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Here's my offer for some of you adventurous lads:

You go and do the deed with her (and give a decent writeup and photos to prove you were there - or otherwise get a receipt from the provider) and I will give you the price difference between her charge and a typical calibre provider (up to HKD 500). If you can do an overnight and clearly document it to my reasonable satisfaction I will give you three times this difference.

Anyone brave  enough to take this on?

Another idea, perhaps a group visit to the lady with the dildo on the electric saw. Maybe a bunch of us can chip in and pay to watch her put on a show for us. I think that being in a small room with that provider, all her perverted equipment and all you horndogs would really turn me off.

Keep on mongering, boldly

[ Last edited by  gwailoplayer at 14-2-2012 19:03 ]
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Post at 14-2-2012 15:26  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #9 gwailoplayer's post

gwailoplayer, no amount of money would push me to put my LB to that degree. my only concern would be if i could get him up. truth i've done civvies as "beautiful" as her, but was extremely drunk and lived to regret the next morning. i think i've had enough regrets in one lifetime. i'll definetely follow this thread to see who was the brave soul to take you up.
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Post at 14-2-2012 15:46  Profile P.M. 
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maybe cute_manager has the balls to visit her? is he still in hong kong?
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Post at 14-2-2012 19:40  Profile P.M. 
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Some new bro's complain about the new pic rules and how difficult it is to climb up in rangs,
so may it's a good idea if the mods launch an extra bonus, say 100 K´s.
Who do her fs with a real pic earn the extra bonus. Let us start with her, think it is an idea to spice this side up a little bit.
Just my 2 baht.

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Jimstevens   20-2-2012 09:11  Karma  +1   I will chip in 10 K's. We just need more bros to pledge the same.
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Post at 14-2-2012 19:41  Profile P.M. 
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Bros...everyone's gotta eat. She is only trying to make a living...

But I won't want to be charitable to her either. Small fee no doubt, but getting the LB up will be a big challenge!

No I don't think I will stoop to this level. Maybe like what Daik35 said, getting so drunk and still horny like hell that even she would look beautiful... but... I hope I won't get there... yikes!
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Post at 14-2-2012 19:52  Profile P.M. 
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If you close your eyes it's just another set of lips.

They all need some luvin'
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Post at 14-2-2012 21:06  Profile P.M. 
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You know what, basic economics says she will be a mind blowing lay. She obviously isn't living on looks, and she doesn't have the fancy dildo drill equipment or knife show.... That just leaves intensely skilled technique, or she is out off business. If I were in HK I would so go test that theory out. Someone has to go. It's now a moral imperative. It's $200 - worst case is its like a few nights I woke up in college next to... Well, her. God knows we've all been there. Shit, I've poured drinks into girls uglier than that and not gotten laid. Alcohol, horniness, and an empty bar and a hotel room far away from anyone you know can do strange things to a man...

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Jimstevens   20-2-2012 09:13  Karma  +1   Seems like gweiloplayer will cover costs, or we'll get u back with K's
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Post at 14-2-2012 22:26  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by inbkk at 14-2-2012 19:40
Some new bro's complain about the new pic rules and how difficult it is to climb up in rangs,
so may it's a good idea if the mods launch an extra bonus, say 100 K´s.
Who do her fs with a real pic ea ...

you don't need us to do that... all of you collectively have enough firepower to give the 100 Ks.
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Post at 15-2-2012 01:41  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by inbkk at 14-2-2012 19:40
Some new bro's complain about the new pic rules and how difficult it is to climb up in rangs,
so may it's a good idea if the mods launch an extra bonus, say 100 K´s.
Who do her fs with a real pic ea ...

You sound like the guy at the college fraternity in charge of hazing new frat brothers!

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 15-2-2012 10:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 DaBestHK's post

hahahaha.. ok let us start a pool. i'll pitch in as many K's as i can to the first one who sleeps OVERNIGHT with her and lives to see the sunrise the next day!

if your dead serious about sleeping with her, you'll need to get her permission to take photos as well i think or i can
simply claim i banged her last night now where are my 100K's

so the question is, who bro is going to slay the slayer??

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Jimstevens   20-2-2012 09:15  Acceptance  +2   I've pledged 10k's to add to the bounty
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Post at 15-2-2012 12:13  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 Intenseslacker's post

I have done the same thing, poured alcohol into a girl and spent lots of money on her during big party weekend at uni and not only not gotten laid  but gotten puked on by her  and I had to take her home early (Ok not really "take her home" but deliver her to her doorstep) and it spoiled the whole evening .And this was with a girl who had a reputation for putting out after a nice dinner and drinks. .

Live and learn. what we do here is better than the Civvie world, the girls are willing , beautiful (of course this is subjective) and don't have to work drunk.

just my two beers worth

keep on mongering
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Post at 15-2-2012 12:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #19 gwailoplayer's post

And the worst bit I s that in the civvie world, I have had to sit and pretend to give a fuck about what a girl almost that ugly has had to say for like.... Hours in a bar because, fuck, nobody else is around, and the only other option is to go watch shit reality tv in the hotel room.

Business travel and shitty civvie bars have driven me into the arms of willing WGs. They put out. I don't have to pour drinks into them all night, and I don't have to pretendto be interested in their dam cubicle work stories.... And they know how to suck cock properly. All else being equal, I'll take one night with an average - or even below average - WG before a ONS with an average or even slightly above average civvie bar pickup.

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