Originally posted by CanuckGuy at 17-10-2011 01:40
Much of what is posted there is done so as spam, in order to get clicks towards file sharing sites that pay a commission if you sign up for faster downloads, or sites that pay per image view to the poster. So there are guys out there who spend their lives ripping DVDs, uploading it to file sharing sites, and then spamming the crap out of it to try to make a living.
Yes, I think you're right. In the ranking of top posters in sex141 for the last 30 days, all sections included, Number 2 is SEAJ, and Number 1 is a guy posting sex links in the same Erotica thread many times a day, everyday... and he has exactly 0 Karma !
When I checked one the website he's using, there are some advertising : Earn money when people download your files : up to $40/1000 full downloads! I guess it's the same for other upload websites he uses.
So if the guy spents his days uploading porn and posting the links in all forums, I think he should be able to make a living of this (or why would he do that ?)
Not a blame, he's doing a honest job, but just it's spamming our Erotica section.
Last edited by marcopo at 25-10-2011 22:04 ]