Originally posted by dogthom at 24-6-2011 18:20
Hit a bar in Wan Chai and try to find a Filipino? I'd prefer Chinese, but she needs to be able to speak Engrish....
Yes Wan Chai is the fastest way to find exactly what you're looking for.
(and yes, they definitely speak Engrish
Seriously, in the bars ALL the girls speak at least sufficient English to get by.
Been chatted up by a number of Shanghainese, so if you want Chinese go for it.
Other alternatives are Thai and Indo. The ones who are in the bars necessarily can communicate.
But, again, if you want Chinese you can find it ... you just shouldn't expect to find HK Chinese in a Wanchai bar, that's a whole different level of play where you're more likely to end up frustrated ...
Here's a tip: if you want to communicate, don't directly approach the girl but instead signal your availability by walking slowly through the crowd - in the busier bars you'll be grabbed by a girl who has the confidence to try to speak with you, and in the quieter ones you can avoid ones who are trying to hold back.
Originally posted by dogthom at 24-6-2011 18:20
Thing is I'm not really a bar guy... I don't like smoke and having to shout to talk to someone....
These are not bars in the traditional sense. The WGs will try to get you away as quickly as they can. If they don't, they're probably just trying to get lady drinks instead of FS, and no benefit for you to spend time or money on them, just walk on.
All that means the noise is simply a way for you to
a) get physically close and see how she reacts and
b) have a private conversation that noone can hear, directly into her ear, then
c) say this is too noisy, can we go somewhere else?
If you're relaxed about it, a good gameplan would be just to go for the punt, and let the girl go afterwards. Do it again a couple of times before choosing a girl - the probability of one of them being bored and appreciating some company the next day is very high. Much better to do it that way than to go in trying to negotiate a tour-guide from the outset, in a noisy bar where she's originally just looking for a quick $uck, and more likely to lead to freebies and good chemistry.