Subject: Jordan KBHotel via Mk Phone
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Post at 11-5-2011 04:17  Profile P.M. 
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Jordan KBHotel via Mk Phone

can someone tell me when someone posts Jordan KBhotel via MK phone does that mean i should be looking at the database in mongkok phone appt or jordan phone appt? cheers
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Post at 11-5-2011 05:34  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 blkmkv's post

what?...... would help if you'd make some sense, here's some advice call the number in the DB they wont post it up on this site if its a fake number
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Post at 11-5-2011 19:57  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 blkmkv's post

try searching for the WG's name directly bro

Or there's usually a link if its a report
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Post at 11-5-2011 20:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 blkmkv's post

It usually happens when Blazza posts. All the girls are listed as Phone Appt in MongKok, however the actual location is at KB Hotel in Jordan. He writes that so, if you are in MK and expecting a punt nearby, you may have to take the MTR 1-2 stops away to get to the actual location.

If you search Blazza's posts he has 1-2 posts that break down the whole operation including the location.
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Post at 12-5-2011 00:05  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 ramont's post

thx very much for the info... im no longer confused...

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