Subject: Role of Agents
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Post at 30-10-2010 17:08  Profile P.M. 
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Role of Agents


In my previous Q&A thread on 3somes, as well as in some other discussions, the importance of having good relations with agents was raised.

As a newbie to the HK scene, what is the role of agents, and how can one identify which DB girl is with what agency?  (By the phone number?)

Are there agents who have a particular good reputation for fair representations and honest dealings.  (The name James seems to come up quite regularly.)

Many thanks y'all for enlightening me on this aspect of the scene!
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Post at 31-10-2010 00:11  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 dabbler2's post

yes, by phone number.

generally James is pretty reputable (do a search on James or James Bond or JB, one of those will have his phone numbers).

4CR, who specializes in HGs from Sichuan, is also quite reputable.

BTP, who used to B&S a lot, seems to do it a lot less lately. he's got good girls too

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Post at 31-10-2010 03:56  Profile P.M. 
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you can also know it by the adv's pic specially James and 4CR. the gals' posts and the adv photo's background are a bit different than others.

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SEAJ   31-10-2010 14:57  Karma  -2   Pls see my post below. Thanks.
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Post at 31-10-2010 14:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 haroldla's post

Haroldla - I have sent you multiple PM's and ratings to try to make you stop with all your nonsense posts, irrelevant replies, obvious questions, C+P of all sorts of irrelvatn articles without crediting the original author etc etc - and I have yet to even receive one acknowledgement OR any indication that you actually read and understand what I wrote to you.

Your continued flagrant spamming/flooding certainly indicates that even if you did read my PM's, you certainly had chosen to ignore such.  This being so, I have no other choice but to write this publicly.

Your above post is another one of your nonsense;  If you really know what are the differences in the different agents' photo background i/o just some oblique references to them - then please enunciate them (like another poster had previously done and which I suspect you had also read - you could have at least refer back to such post!)  Otherwise, your post is totally useless.

So I ask you publicly here - PLEASE STOP YOUR SPAM AND FLOODING!  You've gamed the system to become a Lord and its disgraceful that a senior as yourself deem it necessary to still resort to such underhanded and back-door tactics to gain credit.



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Post at 31-10-2010 15:10  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 dabbler2's post

Not sure if as a newbie whether you can do an actual search of the threads or not - so I'll C+P what my "search" turn up for agents. I've re-read some of these posts and they should give you all you need to answer your questions.
Hope the C+P comes up OK

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[ Last edited by  SEAJ at 31-10-2010 15:12 ]
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Post at 31-10-2010 18:20  Profile P.M. 
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Thank you for clarifications, especially to SEAJ for making his search results available to me!

Is there an (identifiable) agency that has a particularly bad reputation, e.g. for very misleading/plain false representations on DB?
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Post at 31-10-2010 23:17  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #6 dabbler2's post

There is a syndicate operating out of Jordan but advertising its girls in TST
that is notorious for its bait & switch (which I prefer to call BS). One of the
numbers they use begins with 9795 (I don't know if they're still using it after
all the complaints, as I have avoided this bunch for a long time).

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