Subject: How long do the girls really stay ?
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Post at 28-10-2010 16:02  Profile P.M. 
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How long do the girls really stay ?

I normally look at the last date updated on the DB and try to book girls within 1 week from the update time.  Sometimes I tried to call for girls who had 2-3 weeks last update times and they were not around but DB profile was still up.

Is there some sort of safe zone to figure out if the girl has gone or not?    I saw big F and Sofie and I want to do both of them tomorrow night, but not sure if they are gone without calling or getting a gay B&S.

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Post at 28-10-2010 18:16  Profile P.M. 
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Call and ask the agent if they are still here!

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barney.winkel   29-10-2010 01:24  Acceptance  -2   He asked how to tell without calling. Co
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Post at 29-10-2010 01:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 virginboy's post

They usually won't be gone if they've been here for less than a week.
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Post at 29-10-2010 08:24  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 virginboy's post

looking at DB update date is a good start. another way is to check out the reports in HK Reports. a lot of the bros include infoon when the HG arrived and when she is leaving, so that may help as well.

lastly, dont hesitate to call the agent. thats what they're there for. if the girl's DB is up, then the agent is fair game as they left the girl's DB up.
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Post at 29-10-2010 21:39  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #4 DaBestHK's post

I should also mention that some agents leave the girls' profiles on the DB even after they've left. B&S strategy, I guess.
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Post at 30-10-2010 17:09  Profile P.M. 
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for HK visitor should be 2 weeks as immigration rule as i remember.

But i'm not sure if there any "special working visa" can be applied from WG's agents.

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