Subject: Reporting

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Post at 13-3-2010 20:29  Profile P.M. 
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I guess maybe I am stupid or something, but I have trawled through almost all the threads and can't seem to see anywhere that says how many points I have to have before I can report. Is it 30?
I had my very first experience with a hotel girl here in Hong Kong and I'm just dying to report. I have a photo as well that I would like to share.
Can I just put it in the chat section for now?
I'm sorry for this stupid newbie question!
I have just arrived here a few weeks ago and had my first girl today and I think I'm going to get hooked on the website as well as those beautiful girls.
Hong Kong must be the world's best place for such discrete sex experiences.
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Post at 13-3-2010 20:36  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 italianboy's post

You can post your report immediately in the "Reports by Nookie Newbies" section
there are no requirements if you report in that section !
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Post at 14-3-2010 02:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 italianboy's post

italianboy, couldnt have said it better...

hk: the lifestyle, culture, sex, forum... like a drug... cant get enough!!!

best of luck to ya bro

[ Last edited by  5-htp at 14-3-2010 03:01 ]

c'est le jizz

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