Subject: Being friendly, friend-ing and being friendlier with WGs / HGs / Massage Girls?
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Post at 25-1-2010 10:52  Profile P.M. 
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Being friendly, friend-ing and being friendlier with WGs / HGs / Massage Girls?

Once upon a time, I once met a massage girl at a shady massage parlour.

On that particular night – I had been quoted a ridiculously high amount (1.5k?) just for a hs... and was feeling pretty ripped off.  So, as shit as it was as I had nothing to loose – as I had a pretty good conversation with the massage girl, I asked for the girl’s number.

Since then, we texted quite often – things would often get quite flirty – and one fine night – we met up and rented a room to get things bangin.  Though in the end – I questioned myself whether I should pay her or not … I asked myself,” was this a business transaction for her? Or was it something else?”

As cheap as I was – or maybe, as I thought if I paid her, it would be more like an insult to her – as I felt like her heart did stir in some way or another – I didn’t pay her in the end.

Months past – and we would frequently meet up once a month and that same hotel again… we would chat – and she knew I had a gf – she wouldn’t ask too much – just that she knew I would have my own life and that she would have hers…

Until one fine day – she asked to meet not in the hotel – but maybe for a movie or dinner.  Which then I refused and said, “Because of my job, it not really good to be seen with you in the public, my job doesn’t allow me to do so…”

Then I realised – maybe this friendly relationship was getting out of hand ... In the end – i didn’t find her for a few months – and the last time I tried calling – her no. could no longer be reached …

She had once said, “I’m saving to get back home, and once I have enough, I need to go home to pay my family’s debts and start my own business, someday I’d like to learn some English too!”

So now she’s gone – and life goes on – but sometimes, I wonder, maybe I could have made some more out of such a “relationship”?

How many of you would friend your WG / HG / Massage Girl?
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Post at 25-1-2010 11:16  Profile P.M. 
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Out of my 5 regulars, I am constantly talking to 3 of them.  I've been on a date with 2 of them and they are interested in more.  I also have 2 non-WG girls that I'm dating.  I guess being single helps a lot.  To me, it's just about the company.  A date is just a date, WG's and non-WG's cost the same.  You're bound to be paying to something, at least.
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Post at 25-1-2010 12:00  Profile P.M. 
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well - if ure willing to go on a date - will u not be looking for more maybe?  Though youre probably aware of the fact that shes sleeping with another zillion men - u are still willing to do what you do on dates?
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Post at 25-1-2010 12:21  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by erictsang62 at 25-1-2010 10:52
Which then I refused and said, “Because of my job, it not really good to be seen with you in the public, my job doesn’t allow me to do so…”

Hmmm; my opinion, for what it's worth, is that if you felt like that, you should have kept it as strictly business and paid for the fucks. I could never insult anyone the way you insulted that girl - low class, bro.  

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TheButler   29-1-2010 13:19  Acceptance  +3   yep
twiceAweek   26-1-2010 00:27  Karma  +1   Fully agree with you for once !
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Post at 25-1-2010 12:38  Profile P.M. 
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Shooting fish in a barrel`THAT....

THAT is what our friend had done>

Not fair, not good karma.

WG's are out there to make $$$.  

You with your, I supppose "superior education, more wordly outlook, higher sophistication, foreign passport etc etc" took unfair unadvantage of somebody who probably just wants a bit of hope, a bit of warmth, a bit of freindship.

And to play with someone's emtions is just about the worse thing anybody can pull..... jsut to get free pussy.

Eric - shame on you!


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testlogin   29-1-2010 00:26  Acceptance  +3   Excellent
twiceAweek   26-1-2010 00:29  Karma  +1   couldn't agree more !
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Post at 25-1-2010 12:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 erictsang62's post

I know EXACTLY what you mean. I am in a "relationship" with this girl and I am gonna pursue into I know it is at an end. No regrets, no nothing. I think you should have continued and see where it could have led. Now you will never know and not knowing is the hardest thing you can do to yourself.
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Post at 25-1-2010 13:00  Profile P.M. 
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Pisser: at first - i thought it was nt like that - who would have known she would request dates? I know its straight forward, but in what other way would u like to put it forward to her? If youre a married / attached man - imo, u cannot just bring and odd looking WG on to the street and act all intimate with her?

SEAJ: imo, shes aware of what shes got herself into as well mayb? mayb she would have expected no less? no more? Though it doesnt sound convincing that i didnt intend to play her, in the end, it just seemed like it.  What other options does one have?

VG: i agree - but sometimes - suspense is just much more fufilling...
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Post at 25-1-2010 13:02  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 erictsang62's post

Suspense in not knowing? I would call that a wasted opportunity
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Post at 25-1-2010 13:07  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 erictsang62's post

What other options does one have?

Errrrr..... Pay her??

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Post at 25-1-2010 14:18  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by SEAJ at 25-1-2010 13:07

Errrrr..... Pay her??


i didnt pay her upfront for the first time we opened a room...

"As cheap as I was – or maybe, as I thought if I paid her, it would be more like an insult to her – as I felt like her heart did stir in some way or another – I didn’t pay her in the end."

do u get what im trying to say... ?
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Post at 25-1-2010 18:37  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 erictsang62's post

From my personal experience, and from the facts that you have given, my view is that you should have paid her OR not have gotten into the relationship/situation that you had in the first place.

These things can get really messy really fast especially if you already have a gf and you gotta stop it before the gf becomes involved!! And in any case, by not paying her, you possibly could have given the wrong idea. Even if she knows that you have a gf, it doesn't mean that she doesn't think that she could 'win you outright'.

I mean, come on guys, when has a girl who already has a bf, stopped you from chasing her (unless the bf is already a friend of yours of course)? All the great ones are obviously taken, so why settle for less? The chase is all part of the fun.

So anyway, now whenever I have a casual sex encounter with WG in Shenzhen or even HK, I always pay them in the end.
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Post at 25-1-2010 19:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 erictsang62's post

I think marsupial wrote a post on this, but the gist of it is:  we all find WG's for some form of connection or another.  If it was strictly to get off, why not whack off?  We obviously find WG's for a deeper connection.

For me, I enjoy good company, but not long term commitment.  Hence, I date a lot with different people and whatever happens, happens.  A WG may be do what she does, but she could still have a personality you feel comfortable with, she can still make you laugh and then bang your brains out.  At times, the WG has offered to pay my share.  However, you must realize that as soon as there is no financial transaction, your relationship ceases to be professional because A) she hasn't charged you because she no longer views you as a client and B) you acknowledge this through non-payment.

Yes of course there are differences between a WG and non-WG, but it's all about your personal ethics, which is always relative.  You gotta figure out what you want cuz if it's a long term relationship, maybe you're looking in the wrong place.  If you're looking for someone to text/talk to/go out with, sure why not?  They need friends too and honeslty, who doesn't watch movies?
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Post at 26-1-2010 00:35  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by erictsang62 at 25-1-2010 13:00
imo, u cannot just bring and odd looking WG on to the street and act all intimate with her?

I keep telling everyone 'there're all sorts of people in this world' but just by that statement you really hit rock bottom !
Wake up and don't be a schmuck all your life !
kaka (YaYa PaPaYa)
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Post at 26-1-2010 01:18  Profile P.M. 
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Originally posted by erictsang62 at 25-1-2010 10:52
How many of you would friend your WG / HG / Massage Girl?

i would..
no harm in that.

i would go to dinner, movies, booze, the beach, swimming, hiking, tour around China, veggie massage...with them..
anything..anything BUT shopping...
i always make it clear to them that I HATE SHOPPING.

like most guys say... "They are only out for the $$$"
that's not entirely true.
some of them genuinely wants company.. someone who treat them like normal human beings.. not just a piece a meat with a hole.

believe it or not, some of the best times i spent with a WG is not when we fuck...
but is when we spend some alter ego time together.

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asia-play   26-1-2010 01:51  Acceptance  +1   Too true
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Post at 26-1-2010 05:28  Profile P.M. 
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how much are you supposed to pay a WG for fucking on an outside "date?"

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venetiangirls   26-1-2010 07:46  Karma  -5   stupid question
venetiangirls   26-1-2010 07:46  Acceptance  -5   stupid question
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Post at 26-1-2010 07:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #15 xiaodidi's post

sto pasking stupid questions!!!! pay whatever the fuck you want.
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Post at 26-1-2010 08:11  Profile P.M. 
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its really hard to say .. you would actually look at the girl in question and just say this chick has been with so many guys before you ... its ok to become friends but no further than that..
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Post at 26-1-2010 08:26  Profile P.M. 
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man,just do what you feel is right. If you want to date them, then go ahead. if not then dont. waht we say is not gonna change what you wnat to do
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Post at 26-1-2010 08:59  Profile P.M. 
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date a WG is not so bad but be careful about falling in love with the girl.
Better to have more girl and avoid to be used by her sad story.
I think we don't have to trust every word of the WGs.
Do you think they somtimes they will tell us the real truth of why they are here?
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Post at 26-1-2010 09:01  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #19 leeyoh's post

No, they probably wont tell the real truth but in talking with them and getting to know them, they might open up. Whether or not you can tell if they're true, it's up for you to determine

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