You need to post all questions in the correct area of this forum,it has a Q/A section.
Do look around here as much as you can,there is a wealth of information.
A 3 or 4 day mongering adventure to Hong Kong is probably best for you since you are not familiar
with the mainland it seems.You should stay in TST,Wan Chai,CB probably.
Read about how things work as far as calling the Papa and Mama's for HG's.
It is quite easy really,just be persistant and maybe have to call a few different ones.
If ya got the money have one come to your Hotel for starters.Then once you are more familiar with getting around HK try going to the girls Hotel.It saves a little money going to their hotel.
Explore some of the walkups also maybe also try some of the bars in Wan Chai that you will read about in the forum.
The money you can check on the exchange rate using a currency converter site on the internet.
Hong Kong and the mainland use different currency and Macau also has it's own currency.
I hope you have good time and write some reports on your journey.
Good luck