Subject: Urgent help needed!
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Post at 5-12-2009 02:42  Profile P.M. 
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Urgent help needed!

I jist came home and realized I did not close the browser (only minimized it) and it was on areport of WG on this forum.  My SO is home all day using the computer after I left.  When I came bck home, she purposely left the browser open on the report..shes sleeping now but I am sure I have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow..what kind of excuse can I make for searching through a prostitute website??  please help me get out of this!
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Post at 5-12-2009 03:02  Profile P.M. 
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Oh dear! Get thinking now!

Here's something off the top of my head...

Which report was it? Read it and look for key words in it that may be connected with something you do for work or your hobbies (e.g. five keywords) then use google to search those words and hope the report comes up in the results. That way you'll have a weak excuse to have "found" the report and actually enjoyed reading it! The more keywords the better for locating the report in the search results on the first page. Even better would be an exact sentence, if possible! Hope it was a long report, bro... Good luck!

Other bros: If you read this, do try to help with suggestions immediately!!

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matty   8-12-2009 22:58  Acceptance  +3   good thinking :)

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Post at 5-12-2009 03:03  Profile P.M. 
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If you can find the report again, post the link now to maximise your chances of getting some suggestions or ideas...

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Post at 5-12-2009 03:31  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 SFMonger's post

Hmm....This is how I would play it. If your SO asks, tell her one of your workmates forward this website to you and gave their account details for you to read the forum since you need an account to read some stuff and you were curious. Further add that your workmate got the details on this forum from reading a recent TimeOut HK magazine that published a sex article on this site - ... ;highlight=timeout. If she asks the name of this workmate just tell her someone that she's not familar with so that you can partially pass the buck/blame to this guy that corrupted your innocent mind

Good luck buddy

[ Last edited by  asia-play at 5-12-2009 03:35 ]
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Post at 5-12-2009 03:31  Profile P.M. 
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still trying to think the best way to get out of this, but this is a tough one...

the key when addressing this is not to sound defensive.  make it sound like it's no big deal...

not sure if this is the best way, tell her some guys at the office were talking about this and you were curious and checked it big deal.

this will lead to more questions, but remember to answer calmly and not defensively..
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Post at 5-12-2009 03:34  Profile P.M. 
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That is if she hasn't browsed around the site and checked out all your reports, bro!

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Post at 5-12-2009 03:57  Profile P.M. 
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ok, here's a thought.  What report was it?  Why don't I send you an email with that link?

Then you can tell the SO it was something you clicked on.   Here's the trick though.  I have to backdate my computer, so that it looks like an email from a day ago.  It will still come up with a current time on your client email, but you can say that the clock on your computer was fucked or something like that.

As a matter of fact, to make it look like you got hit with a virus, why don't a bunch of us send you something with the same heading.  Let's collaborate here.  Let's call the email the following:  CHECK THIS OUT

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TheButler   5-12-2009 10:16  Acceptance  +3   Excellent
simplytheguest   5-12-2009 10:13  Karma  +3   how nice of u
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Post at 5-12-2009 04:44  Profile P.M. 
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Say quite honestly dear I'm bored of shagging you, in that our sex life is just so samey and you aren't willing to try new things in bed (insert examples) , this is an exceptionally evil tactic as it attacks the confidence and flips the 'blame' onto her.

And unless you are willing to try something new...

As said it flips the problem onto her, while admitting you were looking at such things and thus removes any plausible way to attack you.

Life is short very...
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Post at 5-12-2009 07:13  Profile P.M. 
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I don't know your wife or her temperament, but maybe get rid of all weapons, like golf clubs lol

How computer smart is she?, did she look through the forum? Dose she know your here posting?

Maybe delete this thread?

If you were singed in, than she looked at everything you posted? This scenario makes you extra dead.

Hope she didn't figure out you were posting, and delete this thread in case she comes back.
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Post at 5-12-2009 09:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 SFMonger's post

Sorry no good ideas come into mind..but I just wanted to say..

Good Luck!~
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Post at 5-12-2009 09:34  Profile P.M. 
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just tell her you just like reading these exotic stories! i sometimes buy the newspaper just to read that certain page! stories such as 'i slpt with my gf's sister' etc!

she only caught u reading a report, not writing one! just tell her you enjoy reading them. thats it!

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Post at 5-12-2009 10:14  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 SFMonger's post

probably too late to help you but ... Big question is were you logged in or not?  

If not logged in - breathe a sigh of relief, you can say you like to read the stories

If logged in - call your lawyer and your counsellor if you have one, and be ready to tell her the whole truth.  

Right now I'd guess she wants to know if she can trust what you say to her - hiding stuff is very different from lying about stuff.So it's best to answer her questions honestly and accurately ... and of course you shouldn't answer questions she doesn't ask.  

If you were logged in, assume she's seen your reports and knows it was you.  If so you may want to prepare answers to (justoff the top of my head):-  
  - how long?
  - how many?
  - why?
  - where does she stand?
  - what health precautions did you take?
  - who else knows?
  - do any of her friends know?
  - are you willing to stop?
  - what do you expect her to do?
  - what do you want to do?

Assume she's grown up, intelligent, and cares about you and your relationship, but expects you also to care about her feelings and her needs.  

If you were not logged in you can say you read about the site in the news, got curious, and enjoyed the stories and the pictures.  Period ...
Question is will she believe you?

And above all remember: the incident might actually bring you guys closer together, and open new possibilities.

Hear Ye!  The Mayor has spoken!
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Post at 5-12-2009 10:20  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 JeSun's post

Jesun's idea will still work, we just have to spam his computer again.  Say that you deleted the first round (make sure your trash is empty) and then when the midnight porno spam shows up again you have proof.  'See Honey, every 24 hours a new wave'

I didn't do it.  Really I didn't.
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Post at 5-12-2009 10:32  Profile P.M. 
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Don't you need to be logged in to see reports?

If she has been in the site with your account then it's hard to cover. I might suggest you change your password, making sure it doesn't save. Do all this in private mode on your IE so that your history isn't logged.

Might I also suggest that someone move this thread to a restricted area so that the guy's wife doesn't see us discussing how to deceive her

Check your internet history too so that you can see what she looked at and cover yourself better.
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Post at 5-12-2009 10:37  Profile P.M. 
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what if smmonger is still away, and its his wife playing on his account??
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Post at 5-12-2009 11:28  Profile P.M. 
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Thank you bros for all your truly helpful comment, I am surprised no sacastic or silly comments yet..which shows you all understand the seriousness of this matter and the bond of brotherhood we have in this community.  Thanks Jesun especially for your kind offer...but I just took the easy way out and confronted her this morning.  I took on bro Grantbone's advice and played it down.  And yes, I was logged on(i have a bad habit of staying logged on) and was on this report: ... &extra=page%3D1

I am not sure if she is savvy enough to browse all my posts, I dont think so though, but I do know she browsed all other postings.

So what happend this morning was we woke up as usual, had breakfast, but she did not mentioned anything about the website.  I couldnt stand this silence, so I brought it up to her saying the website I was on, in case you curious was just some stupid link a friend sent me and I was just curious about the reports.(thanks bros for this advice)  I dont look at the database whatsoever.  Then she said she actually knows I frequetn the "pink website".  She have found the link in the browse history before and actually caught me browsign it a few times.(can the owner of this sight change the color to something less obvious?!)

Anyways, I kept my cool and insisted I dont monger, but just curious about the postings on the forum.  After a bit of convincing, she said she dont believe it but will let it go.  I never confirmed if she found out I post, but I will just leave it at that.  Ironically, last week..her sister called and informed her that she caught her husband patronizing escort services back in the states.  He is actually the last guy I would have ever associate with mongering.  My SO asked me my opionion and she heard this and of course I said I dont believe it.  

My conclusion:  We have been together for 8+ years, she is a mature adult.  So she probably realized that mongering is natural and she rather not know about it.  We went through quite a bit in our relationship, I got caught once for cheating, I patched things up and she did mentioned that she rather I monger then have sex with a regular girl.  She chooses to believe that I am just curious witht he siteand leave it at that.  I mean, she understands she only have 2 choices..continue to let me have another "side" or break up.  Have anyone seen the HK movie "men in black" or something like that with Eric Tsang?  I think the last scene where his wife knows he was fucking around but sends him an annonymous text message to warn him that the wifes are cominghits the spot right on.

To show respect to her, you guys prob wont see me as much on here anymore..thanks again for all advices before.  I had some great pleasure reading all the reports and comments by bros.  And if the owner of this site is reading this..can you guys change the color so that its not so obvious!!

[ Last edited by  SFMonger at 5-12-2009 11:37 ]
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Post at 5-12-2009 11:40  Profile P.M. 
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I guess if you leave the browser on you're going to be fucked no matter what.  But on my computer that my wife uses once in a while I have installed firefox that I think deletes the history, and if not my SO always used Microsoft where I don't leave any history.  I heard Chrome was good also.

Good luck!
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Post at 5-12-2009 11:41  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 SFMonger's post

nice to hear it hasnt turned out as bad as you would have thought! go treat yourself and her to a nice break! tell her you're sorry to even have come to such site!

that film you're refering to is called 'men suddenly in black' i think!

all the best..
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Post at 5-12-2009 11:42  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 SFMonger's post

Glad everything when okay for you

Just be a little more careful were you go and don't leave a breadcrumb trail next time!

[ Last edited by  asia-play at 5-12-2009 12:06 ]
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Post at 5-12-2009 11:56  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #16 SFMonger's post

You got it right when you said she is a mature adult and she knows what is going on. We guys should never never assume that our partners are that stupid to not realize the situation (if they are not smart enough for us, will we take them as partners in the first place?).

And about her being smart enough to check the history of the browser, she definitely is savvy enough to know that you are logged in to the forum and will know that you have registered. On way out of this is to say that this ID belongs to a friend (Jesun perhaps???) and never never give her the password (if she ask, just give some crap password and when she cannot log on, say that your friend have perhaps changed it).

SFM, you got to keep your cool and abstain for a while now. No idea how long that will mean, but you will definitely be under intense scrutiny (although she may not make it noticeable, you can rest assure that she is keeping an eye or two on your actions and movements). Please delete the history as you won't want her to know that you have been here again soon after your talk. But here is the challenge - if you delete the history, she will get even more curious - WHY DID YOU DELETE IT? Then more explaining required. Dang it!!

Never never never admit to have done it!!! That will the end of it!!

All the best bro.

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