Hello guys,
I've been reading your reports for a few days after discovering this website. You are all really informative
Thanks a lot.
Since I'm planning to have a trip in HK (and Macau), i read most of the recent posts. In your girls review, you always talk about the price and a tip. I wonder if the tip is something obligatory or it just depends on your mood and on how well or not the session went. Some seems to do it because they had a wonderful session but some others gave it anyway even if the review is bad. I don't mind giving a tip but I just need to know if it is part of a deal (like tips in US restaurants) or that it is something you give to show your "appreciation".
Anyway, thanks for all your posts. For a newbie like me, it is like a treasure to discover every day. If I end up doing some of the girls in HK or Macau, I'll try to give my contribution.