Originally posted by hypnotiizzzzed at 31-7-2009 01:44
but none of the girls seem to kiss/french. Just wondering if all the girls are like this?
Some do some don't (OKOK someone has to state the obvious!)
Note that a HUGE amount depends on chemistry - your own looks, hygiene, demeanour, confidence, how you treat her, etc. etc. So if you're not getting what you want, try changing your approach with the next girl. Sometimes a girl who's standoffish at the beginning warms up as you get going - my first was like that: no kissing before the deed, but very affectionate after
Another thing you can try is repeat visits, all girls like having a 'regular' so I consistently notice service improves on second and third trips.
Having said that there are girls who are uncomfortable kissing, since they see it as more intimate than screwing ... which seems odd, but no point trying to understand how a woman sees things ... if you found one of those, move on, find another girl.