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Post at 8-10-2010 06:07  Profile P.M. 
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Hi Guys,

Been a long time.

On my way back to HK in a couple of weeks and looking for some walk-up recommendations.

Last time I was there I was only doing hotel bookings but since I got back to the UK I've been spreading my wings, gaining some confidence and am now ready to do some walk-ups.

Staying at the Holiday Inn, Golden mile so anything close by would be ideal.

Cheers fellas.



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Post at 8-10-2010 09:18  Profile P.M. 
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There are several places around the Golden Mile. The ones where there are alot of girls to choose from are
Jame S. Lee Mansion on Carnavon Road
Champagne Court B on Kimberley Road

Just check the DB and head to the appropriate floors.
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Post at 8-10-2010 21:59  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 pinkhunter66's post

"Anything close by" is not much to give recommendations on. Do you mean places, or any certain type of girls that you fancy, or walkup girls known for good service around that area.
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Post at 9-10-2010 11:22  Profile P.M. 
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if you haven't already done so do a search for TST and then go through the reports to find the walk ups, this is probably the quickest way. Most walkups are around for longer so older reports may still be valid

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