Subject: Urgent!! Please help - might have contracted herpes
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Post at 14-7-2009 21:23  Profile P.M. 
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Urgent!! Please help - might have contracted herpes

Hi all,

during my regular mognering today, I went to a girl who I have had sex with before

but today i noticed a red rash (also a blister) on her ass (well above her assole) - somewhere below her hips

i think it might have been herpes - but there were no signs of the blsiter near the vagina or anywhere elese on the body

i am really confused - do you think i might have contracted any STD

i had vaginal sex (just for a few minutes), usual kissing and groping, had her lick my ass, and a ball job. i did not do DATY or kiss her ass and as far as I can remeber I did not touch the blisters

but heard from wiki that the skin itself contains the fluid which can transmit the virus

if i might have contracted it, then is there any immediate treatment (like within 24 hour etc.) or any anti viral medicine that i can take

i don`t want to get those painful blisters !!

please help

i will post the name of the girl and place if the moderator says okay

thanks a lot!!
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Post at 14-7-2009 21:32  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 johnsmith007's post

No its not OK to post the info of the girl unless you are certain you have a problem !!!
Go to a doctor and have a blood test first ... no one in this forum can answer your question !
Better still, ask the WG to go to the doctor with you and you'll find put what all the rashes are !!!

good luck !
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Post at 14-7-2009 21:43  Profile P.M. 
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hey twiceaweek,

how early can i go for a blood test like for aids you have to wait for 3 months

and ya you asked me earlier for a sauna name right ( i asked the manager and it turns out the name is "New dragon Sauna bath" and the number is 27308338/9
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Post at 14-7-2009 21:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 johnsmith007's post

seriously ... if you are that worried, see a doctor tomorrow !  only the doctor can give you proper advise !

Thanks for the sauna name
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Post at 14-7-2009 22:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #3 johnsmith007's post

I can't believe you're getting so bent out of shape just because the girl had a pimple on her ass! You're far too hysterical, not to mention clueless about STDs, to be having sex with anyone bro.

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Post at 14-7-2009 22:52  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 johnsmith007's post

if you have caught herpes you will not need doc to tell  you, you will have obvious symptoms pretty soon. If WG had "blisters" then WTF didn't you run straight away!

Any neg symptoms go see a  doctor. Any paranoid delusions also go see doctor .... you know you are sick, get it confirmed ASAP.  Just kidding ... don't beat yourself up over what may be nothing. You don't mention any symptoms yet, you are likely clear, see a doc and put your mind at rest.
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Post at 14-7-2009 22:58  Profile P.M. 
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i just fucked her a few hours ago

so i am not sure whether i have any symptoms

and i am sure it was not a pimple
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Post at 14-7-2009 23:19  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 johnsmith007's post

A doc is not going to be able to tell you what the gal had without actually seeing her and her symptoms and just from your description he isn't going to be able to tell anything even if you have a blood test, so just relax and hope that no symptoms show up. Next time run like hell when you see something like this.
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Post at 14-7-2009 23:25  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 johnsmith007's post

There may be doctors on the forum, some may pretend to be, some may never admit to be. If you are worried go see a doc!!

I don't know where you live but many places have anonymous clinics where you can get all the tests done. They are the places I get tested at, they just give you a number reference.

If you present garden variety symptoms no doubt many Bros will tell you what you may have, but if you just put forward a "maybe" situation with no symptoms then you are likely to be subjected to a variety of dubious "what-ifs", and possible ridicule. I am not a doctor but I have never read of a pre-emptive test for herpes, either you have a break out, or nothing .... anyway, see a doctor if you have any concerns .....
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Post at 14-7-2009 23:51  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 johnsmith007's post

I am not a doctor, so this is just my nonprofessional opinion, based on 15+ years of heavy mongering.  As I see it, there are two possibilities:

1)  You have herpes.  You will realise this in time...  There is nothing that you can do to prevent getting it.  Go to a doctor and ask for Acyclovir (Zovirax), Famcyclovir (Famvir), or Valacyclovir (Valtrex).  Acyclovir has a generic equivalent, so it's the cheapest.  Take it twice a day and live your life as normal...

2)  You do not have herpes.  Pass go, collect $200.

Have fun, CGP
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Post at 15-7-2009 00:45  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #1 johnsmith007's post

You should have gone for the Condom Handjob....

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Post at 15-7-2009 07:18  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #11 hunter's post

lol....paka style rite?
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Post at 17-7-2009 09:29  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #7 johnsmith007's post

I fucked a lot girls with pimples or rash on their some part of their body....but NEVER when I see the rash near their lips or Vagina !!

You got NOTHING...Stop budgering yourself !!

Why need KY if saliva is so natural and provides anti HIV coating
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Post at 17-7-2009 15:10  Profile P.M. 
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You'll only get herpes if you make contact with an outbreak site.  If you've been with many people over the years, then you've almost definately done it with a girl who did have herpes, but was not in an outbreak situation at the time.  If you make contact with the outbreak then you may have contacted it, though a site "on her ass (well above her assole) - somewhere below her hips" is not where you'd expect herpes to be.  If however you do yourself contract it, you will have it for life and no amount of drugs will solve it.  Though as i've said it is only contagious during an outbreak period.
Going to the doctor for any test seems unnecessary as even if they say yes it was herpes and you have it, what can you do? Nothing. If that's the case be wise and don't pass it on.  However in my limited opionion, having not seen it, i don't think you have anything to worry about.
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Post at 17-7-2009 20:44  Profile P.M. 
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Reply #14 gingermakak's post

WRONG!  You can contract herpes even if there is 0% symptoms and that is a KNOWN FACT.

"Herpes is potentially contagious when no symptoms are present. That is, a person who has genital herpes is potentially always shedding active virus."
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Post at 18-7-2009 18:28  Profile P.M. 
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You're quite right of course.  I should have been more concise and less lazy with my use of terms.  I should have said "shedding period" instead of outbreak.  I did not mean to imply outbreak as being purely symptomatic, though i can see how it completely reads that way!

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